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Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator) Primulaceae
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Primula papers

  • GB 235 PPP
  • Collection
  • 1886 - 1928

•Box containing miscellaneous notes and papers (Source: Balfour, Smith and Fletcher Reference Collection)
•Box containing bound Reference Books (Source: Balfour, Smith and Fletcher Reference Collection)
•Box containing British Reprints (Source: Balfour, Smith and Fletcher Reference Collection)
•Box containing Foreign Reprints – ‘A-Q’ (Source: Balfour, Smith and Fletcher Reference Collection)
•Box containing Foreign Reprints – ‘R-Z’ (Source: Balfour, Smith and Fletcher Reference Collection)
•Box containing Primula Conference Reports: 1886, 1913 and 1928 (Source: Balfour, Smith and Fletcher Reference Collection)
•Box containing ‘The Genus Primula Gardener’s Chronicle’ (1928)
•Box containing ‘The Genus Primula’ – Typescript Papers: ‘A-E’
•Box containing ‘The Genus Primula’ – Typescript Papers: ‘F-N’
•Box containing ‘The Genus Primula’ – Typescript Papers: ‘O-Z’
•Box containing miscellaneous photographs
•Box containing a bound collection of photographs with an index
•Box containing miscellaneous photographs – Sherriff reprints by R. Adam and the Royal Horticultural Society. Etc.
•Box containing misc photographs – reprints by R.M. Adam and photos by R. Eudall
Primula/ Ludlow
•Collection of books, papers, reprints, Photographs, etc. on PRIMULA; apparently used, and added to, in succession by I.B. Balfour, W.W. Smith & H.R. Fletcher, is filed in boxes under “Primula” in Main Index
•Papers/reprints include material by I.B. Balfour, W.G. Craib, A Ernst, G. Forrest, R. Farrer, Ludlow & Sherriff (photographs), John MacWatt, W.W. Smith, F. Kingdon Ward, G. Watt, Per Wendelbo, et al.

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)

John D. Main's notes on the genus Primula including primula synonymy

  • GB 235 MAI
  • File
  • 1960 - 2000

68 typed foolscap pages in a clutch folder belonging to John D. Main on the Genus Primula, Synonyms of the Genus Primula from other Genera, Species and Synonyms of the Genus Primula and Primula Synonymy. Possible course notes?
On the front is 'J.D. Main' and 'Primula' in Dymo tape.
John D. Main was a student at RBGE before becoming Head of Horticulture.

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)