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Arthur Humble Evans Ephemera

  • GB 235 EAH
  • Reeks
  • 1855 - 1943

• Obituary, reprinted from "The North Western Naturalist" September 1943; a 3 page obituary by George Taylor which includes a portrait of A.H. Evans.
• Three items from Botanical Society of Edinburgh archives relating to Evans’s biography and bibliography – correspondence between William Wright Smith, George Taylor, Alex Cowan and J.T. Johnstone including a typed letter from George Taylor to Professor William Wright Smith (6 April 1943) regarding Evans's biography and bibliography; a handwritten note from Alex Cowan to Professor William Wright Smith (12 April 1943) regarding Evans's notification of death and clarification of a date; and a cover note from William Wright Smith to librarian J.T. Johnstone.

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Ash Dieback Disease - Chalara Fraxinea

  • GB 235 ASD
  • Reeks
  • 2012

Personal communication between Roger West and Ian Murray M.P. regarding outbreak of Ash Dieback Disease, Chalara fraxinea - includes Parliamentary question and small report.

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Correspondence between Henry John Elwes and Isaac Bayley Balfour

  • GB 235 TEMPELW
  • Reeks
  • 1900 - 1922

Box of correspondence between Henry John Elwes and Isaac Bayley Balfour, to be added to Isaac Bayley Balfour's correspondence collection in due course.
There is a reference to John MacWatt and Lilian Snelling in letter 11 from 1915 (Snelling also in letters 3, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 25, 24, 29, 36, 38, 40 - and again throughout 1916. Refs to Snelling coming to Edinburgh and Mrs Balfour getting her lodgings in November 1917. Ref to Snelling attending IBB's lectures, April 1918
Letter from Dr Homi (Yasuyoshi) Shirasawa in 1910.
27 Sept 1913 - reference to Robert Moyes Adam's private work
31 Aug 1914 - reference to Isaac Bayley Balfour's thoughts on photography versus botanical illustrations
26 April 1915 - reference to Inverleith House being commandeered for military purposes
6 May 1915 - referreing to Snelling and Moyes Adam, "She is undoubtedly very clever - a fine colourist. I have given instructions to my photographer to photograph everything she does on the day she draws it so that we may have a sun picture of what she has drawn"
references to Col. F. Bailey's wounds, 1915
15 June 1915 - reference to L.B. Stewart enlisting
1915, 41 - copy letter from G.H. Cave

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Gunnera Nature Print

  • GB 235 GUN
  • Reeks
  • 2016

Gunnera Nature Print and article relating to it (Gardenwise, v.48, Feb. 2017). The print was produced by Michele Rodda with help from Dr. Henry Noltie during the Flora Malesiana Symposium held at RBGE in July 2016.

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David Wilkie photos in possession of Trevor Jephcott

  • GB 235 WID
  • Reeks
  • 1952 - 1957

222 black and white photographs in 13 envelopes, some of which date between 1952-1957), presumably all taken by David Wilkie of RBGE and passed to (Charles) Trevor Jephcott. The subjects are all horticultural, with two notable groups, rhododendron and campanula.

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Glasgow University Herbarium Card Index

  • GB 235 GUH
  • Reeks
  • c.1942

2 card index boxes (possibly incomplete) listing monocots from Glasgow University's Herbarium that came to RBGE on permanent loan in 1942.

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Items relating to the Botanic Ash Exhibition 1993

  • GB 235 ASH
  • Reeks
  • 1992 - 1993

GB 235/ASH/1/1-16: 1 box of 16 mounted photographs showing the felling of the Ash tree in 1992; and
GB 235 ASH/2: part of one of the tree limbs sliced into sections by Tim Stead to show the damage done internally by fungus; tree limb sections can be arranged to form an artistic sculpture.

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