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Trotter, Captain H. of Mortonhall

  • GB 235 TRO
  • File
  • 1722 - 1760

•List of seeds and plants imported from America in 1760 and sold by Mrs Drummond, Seed Merchant, Lawnmarket, Edinburgh
•List of fruit required for Mortonhall, 1722 and an abstract from J.W. Hely-Hutchison’s letter regarding the list.

Trotter, Captain H. of Mortonhall

Williamson, John (Principal Gardener 1755-1780)

  • GB 235 WIJ
  • File
  • 1755 - 1780

Minimal; ephemera, 3 documents including a letter from Andrew F. Kedslie to Isaac Bayley Balfour with information from his aunt, Mrs Agnes Arnand, Williamson's great grand-daughter & a copy of Williamson's Testament Dative dated 1780 - all documents appear to have been cut from one of Isaac Bayley Balfour's scrapbooks.

Williamson, John

Robertson, Dr. James

  • GB 235 RDJ
  • File
  • 1767 - 1784

•Copy of lists of Flora and Fauna (1767-1771)
•Papers including transcriptions of correspondence and newspaper articles (1767-84)

Robertson, Dr. James

McCoig, Malcolm, Principal Gardener at RBGE (1782-89)

  • GB 235 MCC
  • File
  • 1782 - 1789
  1. Five page, Autograph document: Copy of Testament Dative & Inventory of the goods and gear of the late Malcolm McCoig, gardener at the Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, dated 1st April 1789
  2. One page, Autograph document: Letter from Henry Paton (Genealogist) to Prof. Balfour, dated 7 March 1908, re: the Testament of Malcolm McCoig – to clarify a name referenced in the document (possibly Ludovick Gerardi)
  3. Printed book extract referring to a proposal to publish a “Flora Edinburgensis” by Malcolm McCoig c.1811

McCoig, Malcolm

Mackay, John - Principal Gardener at RBGE (1800-02)

  • GB 235 MKJ
  • File
  • 1772 - 1802

•Papers referencing obituaries. Mackay, John (Biographical. Index of British & Irish Botanists, p.111); Scots Magazine, 1802, Vol. LXIV, p.448; Edinburgh Courant, 22 April 1802.
•8 page extract of article on The Death of John Mackay, A Worthy Young Man, and an Eminent Botanist - ‘Edinburgh Evening Courant’ 3rd June 1802
•John Mackay, A Gifted Young Botanist, 1772 – 1802, A Link With Leith by D.W.K.
•Copy of letters dated Nov. 1800 – May 1802 to N.J. Winch – filed under “Winch, N.J.” also copy of letters dated 3 June 1801 to G. Houston, Paisley & Mr. Combie Inverness introducing N.J. Winch
•Typed extract from Scots Magazine, 1803, Vol. LXV, pp.96 -97, tribute to John Mackay.
•Letter from John Mackay at Botanic Garden, Leith Walk, dated 6 March 1800, to Lt. Col. Brodie, M.P. at Brodie House by Forres (presented by Sir George Taylor, 8 June 1963)
•3 manuscript pages of Mackay’s records relating to ‘Smith’s English Botany’
•Typed extract from ‘Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society, Vol.1, p.215 – A List of the rarer Plants observed in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh.

Mackay, John

Two letters to Dr William Roxburgh from Thomas Horsfield in Batavia

  • GB 235 HOR
  • File
  • 1801 - 1803

•2 letters, dated 1801 & 1803, from Thomas Horsfield in Batavia to Dr. Roxburgh, Calcutta, previously filed under “Roxburgh, Dr. Wm.” At this time, Batavia was the capital of the Dutch East Indies, and corresponds with Jakarta, Indonesia today.
Second letter relates to Thomas Horsfield exploring the vegetation of Java, learning of indiginous knowledge of medicinal plants and his thoughts of publishing a 'Plantae Javanicae Rariores', which he eventually did.

Horsfield, Thomas

Smith, Sir James Edward

  • GB 235 SJE
  • File
  • 1759 - 1828

•Correspondence with J. Brodie (1795-1811), T.C. Hope (1784-1785), and A. Menzies (1819) - all appears to be copies of correspondence held at the Linnean Society

Smith, Sir James Edward

Neill, Patrick

  • GB 235 NEI
  • File
  • 1811 - 1828

•File containing a copy of a transcript of a letter from Neill to Sir J.E. Smith (15 Feb.1811)
Neil, Patrick (Biog. Index; p.126: Index p.113)
1.Copy of letter to Mr. Winch dated 12 May 1828 – filed under “Winch, N.J.”
2.Copy of letters to J.E. Smith in “Don, George” under “Mackay, John” correspondence

Neill, Patrick

David Douglas Ephemera

  • GB 235 DOU
  • File
  • 1799 - 1834

-Copy of image of David Douglas
-2 handwritten letters from Samuel Crosse regarding David Douglas’s telescope.
1) dated April 29th 1920 to The Curator at Kew Gardens, London + photocopy
2) dated May 6th 1920 to Lt. Col. F.R.S. Balfour at Dawyck, Peeblesshire
-Reprint from the Transactions of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science - R. Dow on David Douglas, Scone - "David Douglas, Scone, Botanist and Pioneer of Arboriculture", read 14th April 1910.

Crosse, Samuel

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