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6 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Davidson, J. Randolph

  • GB 235 DJR
  • Dossiê/Processo
  • 1903

Hand written cover letter dated 1st July 1903 & 7 page typed "Essay on Menyanthes Trifoliata". Hand written list of diagrams and microscopic illustrations, lodged in competition for the Dobbie Smith Prize in Botany, Glasgow University

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Devonshire, William George Spencer

  • GB 235 DEV
  • Item
  • 1790 - 1858

•Letter regarding being elected an honorary member of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh (October 7, 1837)

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Balfour Family information

  • GB 235 BFI
  • Coleção
  • 1853 - 1980

•Various copies of Isaac Bayley Balfour’s Family Tree
•Copy of the Balfour family photo album
•1 box of miscellaneous papers regarding the Balfour family tree

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James Bisset's Flora of Japan notebooks

  • GB 235 BTJ
  • Dossiê/Processo
  • 1866 - 1886

4 manuscript notebooks entitled Flora of Japan; 3 of flowering plants, 1 of mosses and hepaticae, relating to his plant collections and herbaria, Japan, 1866-1886.

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Dunsmure, Dr. James

  • GB 235 DDJ
  • Dossiê/Processo
  • 1820 - 1845

2 typescripts:
1st script]"Dr. Dunsmure's M.S", Titled: "Evidently note of Prof R. Graham's lecture 'Plant Life'. 25 pages signed on page 24 as James Dunsmure.
2nd script] 29 pages - headed "Richard" on 'Vascular tissues'.
10 pages - headed "Darwin" - comparing plant anatomy to animal circulatory, vascular, glandular, muscular & nervous systems.
3 pages - headed "Mr. Knight" - on sap & buds.
2 pages - headed "Decadolle & Sprengel" - on cells and root.
2 pages -headed "Thomson" on sap.
2 pages - headed "Smith" on bark.
1 page - headed "Dutrochet" 1 paragraph in French referencing tissue permeability in plants.
3 pages referencing "Caesalpinus".

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University of Edinburgh, miscellaneous papers and references

  • GB 235 UOE
  • Coleção
  • 1777 - 1946

•1 box of miscellaneous papers and references
•1 box of miscellaneous papers from the School of Rural Economy Establishment (1893-1902)
•1 box of miscellaneous papers from the School of Rural Economy Classes (1891-1897)
Temporary Summary (M.R.);
3 boxes
Box 1 of 3
• GB 235 UOE/1 Papers and correspondence, including statistics on the Botanical Class in the University of Edinburgh, 1777–1859 and 1860–1871, 2 pp. and ms. in J.H. Balfour’s hand, 4 pp.; request for Prof Balfour to prepare questions for a botany exam, 1 p., 1892; typescript copy of Town Council Proceedings on Dr Balfour’s proposal for the University Herbarium, 1 p., 1849; typescript, photocopies, and ms. papers and correspondence on the Museum of the University and on university bursaries, 1874–1946.
• GB 235 UOE/2 Papers and correspondence on university teaching staff appointments, financial records (e.g., class expenses, the Fee Fund), and research facilities. Includes reprints of course syllabuses for Edinburgh University and Edinburgh University Lecture-Extension Association; correspondence with I. B. Balfour (originals in Balfour, I. Bayley correspondence), 1879–1922.
• GB 235 UOE/3 Papers, including reprint of “Interlocutor and Opinion by Lord Wellwood … against The University of Edinburgh” (the Presbytery of Edinburgh sought to recover from the university 3 volumes that were said to contain the original records of the Presbytery between 1586 and 1603), 1890; “Address to the Students of Medicine,” 1780(?); “Record of Students Who Studied in the Edinburgh University Department of Agriculture (1885–86 to 1900–01), 1902.
• GB 235 UOE/4 Abstracts of reports on University Library, 1906–1911, 5 printed reports; general regulations regarding class or departmental libraries, 1911; typescript list of books bequeathed by Captain R. Chapman Davie to the university, 1919. [removed from here in March 2022, and placed with Chapman Davie's papers as they include correspondence relating to the bequest and an excerpt of his will.]
• GB 235 UOE/5 Correspondence on the teaching of botany to women, typescript and ms., 1892–1906, including copies of letters to I. B. Balfour and photocopy of one letter (in French) to J. H. Balfour from V. Duray (1869). Correspondents include J. Kirkpatrick, A. Crum Brown, Prof Simpson, Louisa Stevenson.
• GB 235 UOE/6 Correspondence regarding the Scottish Arboricultural Society and the teaching of forestry in the university, typescript and ms., 1890–1920.

Box 2 of 3
Papers and correspondence regarding the establishment of the School of Rural Economy (founded 1894).
• GB 235 UOE/7 Ms. correspondence with I. B. Balfour, 1894. Correspondents include A. Mackenzie and Robert Laird, Scottish Horticultural Association; ms. of class list for Horticulture Class, 1 p., 1895; typescript of prizes awarded by Scottish Horticultural Association, 1 p., 1895; Syllabus for course of lectures on the Vegetable Garden, 1893; “Constitution and Bye-Laws, Syllabus for Session 1896 and 19th Annual Report,” Trans. Scottish Horticultural Association, 73 pp., Edinburgh, 1896; “Royal (Dick) Veterinary College Prospectus”, 103 pp., 1893–94.
• GB 235 UOE/8 Ms. and typescript correspondence with I. B. Balfour, 1893–1894. Correspondents include Prof Taylor, Sir William Turner, R. Stewart McDougall, James Macdonald, A. P. Aitken, and Mackenzie and Moneur (Hothouse Builders); typescript “Report to the Board of Agriculture for the Session 1894–95,” 6 pp., 1893–1895; ms., James Macdonald’s scheme for day and evening agricultural classes; misc. ads for lecture series, 5 pp., 1895; misc. drafts of proposed syllabus and curriculum schemes, 6 pp.
• GB 235 UOE/9 Correspondence, including ms. letter from the Subeditor, Journal of Horticulture, to I.B. Balfour, 1902; typescript memorandum, 7 pp., 1895; printed drafts with ms. annotations regarding curricula for day and evening classes, 1895–1896.

Box 3 of 3
Papers and correspondence regarding the establishment of the School of Rural Economy.
• GB 235 UOE/10 Papers and correspondence regarding vacation courses in agriculture for schoolmasters, 1891–1895. Includes reprints and typescript drafts of memorandums with ms. annotations by Professor Robert Wallace; ms., typescript, and copies of correspondence, 1894–1895. Correspondents include I. B. Balfour, Robert Wallace, and James Macdonald; printed prospectuses and syllabuses of classes for students of agriculture, 1885–1891.
• GB 235 UOE/11 Papers and correspondence, 1894–1896. Ms. and copies of correspondence between I. B. Balfour and James Macdonald; printed notices: lectures, examinations, regulations, prospectus and syllabus; ms. and typescript class lists and examination results; ms. financial records, 1896.
• GB 235 UOE/12 Papers and correspondence regarding vacation courses in agriculture for schoolmasters, 1896–1897. Ms. and copies of correspondence between I. B. Balfour, R. Stewart McDougall, and Robert Wallace; printed time-tables of vacation classes, copies of examination papers; typescript report on vacation classes, 1897.

Name access points:
Isaac Bayley Balfour
John Hutton Balfour
A. Crum Brown
J. Kirkpatrick,
Robert Laird
James Macdonald
A. Mackenzie
R. Stewart McDougall
The Presbytery of Edinburgh (Church of Scotland)
Royal (Dick) Veterinary College
Scottish Arboricultural Society
Scottish Horticultural Association
Prof. Simpson
Louisa Stevenson
Prof. Taylor
Sir William Turner
Robert Wallace

•Copy of ‘Quasi cursores; portraits of the high officers and professors of the University of Edinburgh at its tercentenary festival, drawn and etched by William Hole’ (1884)

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Ellis, R

  • GB 235 ELR
  • Item
  • 1908

Monograph; letter dated 10th June 1908 at Aviemore, from R Ellis to Prof Chieni regarding 'Mr Neill's papers'. The correspondence seems to relate to Prof. Balfour's attempt to collect all papers related to former Regius Keepers at RBGE

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Dobbie & Co. (Seedsmen)

  • GB 235 DOB
  • Dossiê/Processo
  • 1835 - 2014

•Correspondence Dobbie & Co. to I. B. Balfour filed under “Balfour, I. B.” papers under” Cuthbertson, W.” – individual folder

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Duthie, J.J.

  • GB 235 DUT
  • Dossiê/Processo
  • 1893

2 letters dated 1893 to J.J. Duthie from C.W. Hope; filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” papers under “Hope, C.W.”

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Farre, Frederick John

  • GB 235 FFJ
  • Dossiê/Processo
  • 1841

•One letter dated 3 May 1841

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