Ash Dieback Disease - Chalara Fraxinea
- GB 235 ASD
- Séries
- 2012
Personal communication between Roger West and Ian Murray M.P. regarding outbreak of Ash Dieback Disease, Chalara fraxinea - includes Parliamentary question and small report.
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Ash Dieback Disease - Chalara Fraxinea
Personal communication between Roger West and Ian Murray M.P. regarding outbreak of Ash Dieback Disease, Chalara fraxinea - includes Parliamentary question and small report.
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Items relating to the Botanic Ash Exhibition 1993
GB 235/ASH/1/1-16: 1 box of 16 mounted photographs showing the felling of the Ash tree in 1992; and
GB 235 ASH/2: part of one of the tree limbs sliced into sections by Tim Stead to show the damage done internally by fungus; tree limb sections can be arranged to form an artistic sculpture.
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William Austin Manuscript - Heavy Inflammable Air
Paper on 'Experiments on the Analysis of Heavy Inflammable Air' (1789) published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London in 1780 - (right click, open link in new tab) - there is a copy of the paper in the packet alongside the handwritten manuscript, possibly written by Austin himself. Manuscript is incomplete, 8 pages along, finishing on page 56 of the article. There is also a copy of Austin's entry in the Dictionary of National Biography in the packet.
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Four photographs, each around 6cm square, showing the Palm House, the Palm Houses from the North East Corner Propagation yard, and two glasshouses interiors including the Cactus House, taken by Thomas Bartlett in around 1955. Bartlett worked for a company called Burgess & Co. of Bracknell after his National Service. The company installed large industrial boilers and he worked on their installation at RBGE.
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Nature Conservancy Council - Fresh Water Lochs Survey / South Argyll Lochan Survey, 1989
Data Sheets, Lists and Guidance used in the 1989 Nature Conservancy Council Fresh Water Lochs Survey / South Argyll Lochan Survey.
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Norman E.G. Cruttwell photographs; Flora of Papua and interview
19 photographs, mainly of plants including orchids - Sarcochilus, Dendrobium, Spiranthes, Aeginetia, Dipodium, Impatiens and Rhododendron
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Photographs attributed to David Sydney Fish
47 photographs / studies of members of RBGE staff, mainly gardeners / probationer gardeners, some named, but many not.
Names include David Sydney Fish (x2), W. Douglas, Murray, David Wilkie, James D. McKenzie, James Esplin, D.M. Ross, William Ritchie, H.B. Anderson, Andrew R. Cosh, Thomas Sherlock, Douglas Law, William Fernie and Alexander Reid.
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• Obituary, reprinted from "The North Western Naturalist" September 1943; a 3 page obituary by George Taylor which includes a portrait of A.H. Evans.
• Three items from Botanical Society of Edinburgh archives relating to Evans’s biography and bibliography – correspondence between William Wright Smith, George Taylor, Alex Cowan and J.T. Johnstone including a typed letter from George Taylor to Professor William Wright Smith (6 April 1943) regarding Evans's biography and bibliography; a handwritten note from Alex Cowan to Professor William Wright Smith (12 April 1943) regarding Evans's notification of death and clarification of a date; and a cover note from William Wright Smith to librarian J.T. Johnstone.
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Elizabeth P. Beattie's Plant Records (card index and slides)
Literature Card Index showing references to plants found in V.C. 83, and box of around 306 35mm slides of British plants taken by Beattie.
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The Timber Merchant's Pocket Companion by Charles Gane, Wood Auctioneer
Small card guide produced by Charles Gane of Charles Gane & Co., Timber, Lath and Slate Merchants, Wisbeach, outlining how to calculate the cost of lengths of timber, published by William Rider and Son, at the Office of the Timber Trades Journal, 14 Bartholomew Close, London. There is an accompanying notebook, blank, but with columns for No., Length, Girth, Contents and Cost.
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