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SABC Minute Books

GB 235 SAB/1: Minute Books
SAB/1/1 volume 1, Minute Book, ms., 1870–1890. Includes reprint of John Sadler’s “Notice of Salix Sadleri (Syme) and of Carex Frigida (Allioni), Trans. Boc. Soc., Sadler’s notes on Ben Nevis (see SAB/2), and newspaper cuttings on botanical excursions; misc. correspondence, including letters to I.B. Balfour; 1 photograph of members.
SAB/1/2 volume 2, Minute Book, ms., 1890–1906. Includes publication on the club’s founding, list of members, and details on excursions, 1899; correspondence; reprints of Boc. Soc. articles on club excursions.
SAB/1/3 volume 3 Minute Book, ms., 1906–1931. Includes photographs of members, sites of botanical excursions, and plants.
SAB/1/4 volume 4 Minute Book, ms., 1932–1947.

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Roland Edgar Cooper: Plant Collecting paperwork

REC/1: Roland Edgar Cooper – Plant Collecting paperwork, 1913-1949
REC/1/1: Notebooks, 1913-1916
REC/1/1/1: Field Books
REC/1/1/1/1-19: Sikkim, 1913; 19 books covering collection numbers 1-1023
REC/1/1/2: Plant Determinations
REC/1/1/2/1-3: Sikkim, Bhutan and Punjab, 1913-1916: notebooks covering collection numbers 1-6002 and summary sheet
REC/1/1/3: Itineraries
REC/1/1/3/1: Itinerary, Bhutan, 1914-1915
REC/1/1/4: 3 numbered notebooks
REC/1/1/4/1: No.1: includes Sikkim itinerary, June-Oct 1913; trip to Phalut (Sikkim) Oct. 1913; Notes on witchcraft in Bengal, Feb. 1914; Notes on Bhutan travels; 1914; Notes on Bhutan forest distribution, 1915; Journal of travels in Eastern Bhutan, 1915; Misc. Notes on Sikkim and Bhutan including catalogue of Bhutan photographs.
REC/1/1/4/2: No.2: Notes of Itinerary of Second Tour of Bhutan 1915
REC/1/1/4/3: No.3: includes Notes on Topography and Vegetation of Western Bhutan, (1915?); Journal and Botanical Notes, Punjab, 1916; Misc. Notes including catalogue of Punjab photographs.
REC/1/1/5: Collecting books – 3 boxes containing books used to collect and number plants in the field.
REC/1/2: Maps- Two maps relating to Cooper's plant collecting expeditions, 1908-1916
REC/1/2/1: The first map is of Sikkim, Bhutan, parts of Nepal, Tibet, Bengal and Eastern Bengal and Assam, dates to 1908 and is annotated with Cooper's routes and the legend, "RE Cooper, A- 1914 - Tour in Bhutan, July-August, Sept, Oct, Novr; B- 1915 - April, May, June, July, August, Sept.".
REC/1/2/2: The second map is of parts of Lahaol and Spiti of the Kangra District and Chamba, Punjab with portions of ... Kashmir, dates to 1913 and is annotated with Cooper's routes and the legend "RE Cooper's visit to Kulu and Lahaol, 1916, seed collecting for A.K. Bulley, Neston, Cheshire".
REC/1/3: Retrospective Published Writings, 1933,1949
REC/1/3/1: Cooper’s copy of "Botanical Tours in Bhutan, with Special Reference to the Occurrence of the Genus Primula", by Roland Edgar Cooper, published in Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, November 1933.
REC/1/3/2: Cooper’s copy of "Notes upon Bhutan in the Eastern Himalaya", by R.E. Cooper, published in the Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, Vol. 74, part 2, February 1949.

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Reginald Farrer, items relating to Craven nursery, Clapham

RJF/2/4/1/1-2; Ledger and wooden box relating to the Craven Nursery and Farrer's Plant Club. The contents of the box have been left as they were and include receipts, letters, plant lists and a metal key ring? The ledger records plants dispatched and covers 1914-1921.

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Farrer written material, box 1; Farrer's youth

Box 1: 1880-1902; includes Farrer's birth announcement and certificates and four folders of correspondence, mainly to his mother from Ingleborough, Newnham Rectory, Balliol College, Scarborough and Europe.

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