‘Notice of a Crab Apple Tree of Unusual Size at Kelloe, Berwickshire’
- GB 235 CHR
- File
- 1797 - 1882
Monograph ‘Notice of a Crab Apple Tree of Unusual Size at Kelloe, Berwickshire’
Christison, Sir Robert
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‘Notice of a Crab Apple Tree of Unusual Size at Kelloe, Berwickshire’
Monograph ‘Notice of a Crab Apple Tree of Unusual Size at Kelloe, Berwickshire’
Christison, Sir Robert
Part of Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Institutional Archives
A series of 10 letters transcribed and typed onto 27 pages of letters from George Don to Nathaniel J. Winch, copied by the Linnaean Society of London by B. Daydon Jackson [see correspondence in the Don scrapbook, GDS/1] 1802-1812, some reproduced in Notes of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, v.iii, pt xiv, February 1905. There are some annotations / corrections by Isaac Bayley Balfour.
Don, George
•Application and testimonials for part of the Secretary /Registrar of the University College of Dundee. (see George Don Sr Collection for further information) http://archiveshub.ac.uk/data/GB 235-gds
• paper entitled 'Patrick Blair, Surgeon-Apothecary, Dundee, Scotland: A Memoir' by Alex. P. Stevenson, read to the Dundee Symposium, 9th February 1907 and to the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, 11th April 1907 - reprint was owned by Isaac Bayley Balfour and has a letter from Stevenson glued into the front cover. It refers to the Blair elephant.
Stevenson, Alexander P.
Anne Neilson Cumming Course attendance and results
Note: Anne Neilson Cumming attended two term courses; Autumn & Spring 1918-1919 for Arts. First Class Examination 92%; Second Class Examination 66%; Passed for Arts March 1919; Demonstrated to Medical Class during the Summer of 1919, 1920 and 1921.
Cumming, Anne Neilson
Arthur Francis George Kerr Siam Expedition papers
• 3 hand drawn maps & 1 printed map of an Expedition in Siam (1921), Chengmai district, N. Thailand, to be found in Archive Box I-K. 2 expeditions were taken during 1921. Routes followed day by day marked in red. Jan-April and late April –Jun. Printed map of the Kingdom of Siam and neighbouring states pre-1939
• Hand written list of plants extracted from a copy of J.G. Koenig's ‘Journal of a Voyage from India to Siam and Malacca in 1779’ (April 26th 1931), in folder in Archive Box I-K. Plants noted at Ban Pak nam, Siam. Some plants introduced since his visit.
Kerr, Arthur Francis George
Article on ‘British Alpine Gardens’ Gardeners’ Chronicle (July 9, 1910)
Article on ‘British Alpine Gardens’ Gardeners’ Chronicle (July 9, 1910) by H. Correvon, Floraire, Geneva
– refers to RBGE, I.B.Balfour and R. Farrer
Correvon, Henry
E. Colborne Baber ‘Royal Geographical Society Supplementary Papers Vol. I. Part 1: Travels and Researches in Western China’ London, 1882
Baber, Edward Colborne
Ballantyre, Lord Bernard Fergusson (Ephemera)
•Correspondence with James Keenan, (1962-1972)
Fergusson, Bernard Edward
Bertha Chandler notebooks and thesis
Chandler, Bertha
Botany Dept, Museum of Natural History, Paris, France
France (Museum of Natural History, Botany, Paris)
Correspondence dated 1912 – 1913 on Primula filed with subject material under “Primula” (Box 1) in Main index
Botany Dept, Museum of Natural History, Paris, France