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Notes relating to Te-Tsun Yu [T.T. Yu] and his herbarium at RBGE

  • GB 235 YUT
  • Series
  • 1937 - 1999

Notes written after Yu's time at RBGE ; Chinese botanist Te-Tsun Yu's [T.T. Yu's] career was significant and in recognition that our records of his time at RBGE are limited, RBGE horticulturist Edward Kemp contributed to our records by producing an account of his time spent with Yu alongside a summary of his career. To this is added an assessment of the Yu herbarium written by Jimmy Keenan in the 1960s(?)

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)

David Wilkie photos in possession of Trevor Jephcott

  • GB 235 WID
  • Series
  • 1952 - 1957

222 black and white photographs in 13 envelopes, some of which date between 1952-1957), presumably all taken by David Wilkie of RBGE and passed to (Charles) Trevor Jephcott. The subjects are all horticultural, with two notable groups, rhododendron and campanula.

Wilkie, David

Andrew Grierson - correspondence relating to Klasea lasiocephala

Three letters and a description relating to the emergence of a new genus after some saussurea-type specimens collected by Siehe were studied and didn't fit into any genus in existence at that time. Correspondence between Andrew Grierson, Charles Jeffrey and Professor Wagenitz, and reference made to Peter Davis. October - November 1972

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium

Correspondence between Henry John Elwes and Isaac Bayley Balfour

  • GB 235 TEMPELW
  • Series
  • 1900 - 1922

Box of correspondence between Henry John Elwes and Isaac Bayley Balfour, to be added to Isaac Bayley Balfour's correspondence collection in due course.
There is a reference to John MacWatt and Lilian Snelling in letter 11 from 1915 (Snelling also in letters 3, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 25, 24, 29, 36, 38, 40 - and again throughout 1916. Refs to Snelling coming to Edinburgh and Mrs Balfour getting her lodgings in November 1917. Ref to Snelling attending IBB's lectures, April 1918
Letter from Dr Homi (Yasuyoshi) Shirasawa in 1910.
27 Sept 1913 - reference to Robert Moyes Adam's private work
31 Aug 1914 - reference to Isaac Bayley Balfour's thoughts on photography versus botanical illustrations
26 April 1915 - reference to Inverleith House being commandeered for military purposes
6 May 1915 - referreing to Snelling and Moyes Adam, "She is undoubtedly very clever - a fine colourist. I have given instructions to my photographer to photograph everything she does on the day she draws it so that we may have a sun picture of what she has drawn"
references to Col. F. Bailey's wounds, 1915
15 June 1915 - reference to L.B. Stewart enlisting
1915, 41 - copy letter from G.H. Cave

Elwes, Henry John

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh - 'Some Views and Plants of the Garden' - 12 Colour Transparencies (35mm)

  • GB 235 SLI-TEMP
  • Series
  • 1975

12x 35mm colour slides in a plastic wallet housed with a blue title card that states:
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Some Views and Plants of the Garden
12 Colour Transparencies (35mm)
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland

The slides are titled:

  • Herbarium in Winter
  • Cactus House
  • Herbaceous Border
  • Victoria 'Longwood Hybrid'
  • Rock Garden and Stream
  • Beech tree in Autumn
  • Plant Houses [Palm House]
  • Nomocharis mairei
  • Nymphaea 'Midnight'
  • Pond
  • Rock Garden
  • Gentiana lutea

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland

Prijanto Correspondence

  • GB 235 PRI
  • Series
  • 1966 - 1968

A collection of 5 letters dating between August 1966 and June 1968 from Dr Botjah Prijanto to Mark Coode.

Prijanto, Botjah (1942-1969)

Thomas McNab letters

  • GB 235 MNT
  • Series
  • 1845 - 1846

7 letters from Thomas McNab to his family, including his father, William McNab plus 2 photocopies of Jane McNab Petry, Thomas's daughter, and family gravestone.

McNab, Thomas

Results 1 to 10 of 102