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Baber, Edward Colborne

  • GB 235 BEC
  • File
  • 1843 - 1890

E. Colborne Baber ‘Royal Geographical Society Supplementary Papers Vol. I. Part 1: Travels and Researches in Western China’ London, 1882

Baber, Edward Colborne

Treatise on Botany by Wm. Brand

  • GB 235 BRA
  • File
  • 1839

M/S Outline of General Treatise on Botany proposed by Wm. Brand for the Botanic Society's adoption and which he suggests that the Society should invite its members to write a series of distinct but connected Essays with a view to publication under the Society's direction and auspices. 11 January 1839

Brand, William

Brian S. Brookes - Schoenus Ferrugineus Research

  • GB 235 BRO
  • File
  • 1940 - 1980

Three boxes of Schoenus Ferrugineus research by Brian S. Brookes
Box 1 contains 2 photos of Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, future King of Bhutan inspecting Schoenus ferrugineus with George Sherriff.
Collection seems to focus around a plantation of Schoenus ferrugineus that was growing on the banks of Loch Tummel that was lost by a hydro scheme in the 1940s/1950s? and Brookes's attempts to replant a new population at Loch Tummel in the 1970s.

Brookes, Brian S.

The Life History of Astragalus Hypoglottis’ The Purple Milk Vetch with Figures by A Ninian Bruce

  • GB 235 BRU
  • File
  • 1881 - 1882

Folder 1 of 2; 21 typescript leaves with 1 mounted plant sample, 200 x 260mm; manuscript: 'The Life history of Astragalus Hypoglottis’ The Purple Milk Vetch together with 7 hand coloured microscopic enlargements [see below]; Submission for Dobby Smith Gold Medal for Botany
Folder 2 of 2; 7 original drawings in coloured inks of enlarged plant mounted on board with tracing paper overlays, various sizes from 150 x 250mm to 250 x 320mm; Figure drawings for The Life History of Astragalus Hypoglottis ’The Life History of Astragalus Hypoglottis’ with figure drawing by A. Ninian Bruce
2 dried specimens.
Entered in competition for The Dobbie Smith Gold Medal in Botany, Glasgow University 1881-1882 Calender

Bruce, A. Ninian

James Bisset's Flora of Japan notebooks

  • GB 235 BTJ
  • File
  • 1866 - 1886

4 manuscript notebooks entitled Flora of Japan; 3 of flowering plants, 1 of mosses and hepaticae, relating to his plant collections and herbaria, Japan, 1866-1886.

Bisset, James

Results 1 to 10 of 344