- GB 235 DGC
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- 1850 - 1932
Druce, Geo. Claridge (Oxford) Letters dated 1903-1920 to Isaac Bayley Balfour
Druce, George Claridge
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Druce, Geo. Claridge (Oxford) Letters dated 1903-1920 to Isaac Bayley Balfour
Druce, George Claridge
Photocopy of handwritten; 'List of plants in Drumlanrig Gardens 1837'
Inc. 'Stove Plants' numbered, 1-5765. Un-numbered entries from Jasmium - Viburnum.'Vines in Hothouses, nos. 1-60'. 'Peaches & Nectarines in Hothouses, 2 pages'. 'Fruit Trees as Plants on Walls 12 pages'. 'Standard Apples 5 pages'.
Drumlanrig Gardens
Catalogue of Thomas Drummond’s first parcel from St. Louis, the Alleganies and New Orleans in 1832 (hand written by R.K. Greville)
Drummond, Thomas
Postcard to Dr. E. V. Jones at the Commonwealth Forestry Institute, Oxford, regarding J. Sim’s hepatics dated September 27, 1966; from Ursula Katherine Duncan.
Duncan, Ursula Katherine
Dunn, Malcolm ( Dalkeith Gardens)
letters from Malcolm Dunn (Dalkeith Gdns), dated 1880 – 1893 to Isaac Bayley Balfour.
Dunn, Malcolm
2 typescripts:
1st script]"Dr. Dunsmure's M.S", Titled: "Evidently note of Prof R. Graham's lecture 'Plant Life'. 25 pages signed on page 24 as James Dunsmure.
2nd script] 29 pages - headed "Richard" on 'Vascular tissues'.
10 pages - headed "Darwin" - comparing plant anatomy to animal circulatory, vascular, glandular, muscular & nervous systems.
3 pages - headed "Mr. Knight" - on sap & buds.
2 pages - headed "Decadolle & Sprengel" - on cells and root.
2 pages -headed "Thomson" on sap.
2 pages - headed "Smith" on bark.
1 page - headed "Dutrochet" 1 paragraph in French referencing tissue permeability in plants.
3 pages referencing "Caesalpinus".
Dunsmure, Dr. James; Graham, Prof. R. (RK); [Dr. E Dunsmure?]
•Papers from 1893-1953 (including papers of Dr. Malcolm Wilson)
Wilson, Dr. Malcolm
2 letters dated 1893 to J.J. Duthie from C.W. Hope; filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” papers under “Hope, C.W.”
Duthie, J.J.
W. Thiselton-Dyer's correspondence dated 1905-1909 filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” papers under “Dyer, W. Thiselton” cross-ref in entry (IBB)
W. Thiselton-Dyer's correspondence with Sir Geo. Watt filed with “Watt, Sir Geo.” Papers under “Dyer, W. Thiselton” cross-ref in entry (WSG)
W. Thiselton-Dyer's letters dated 10:7:1877 filed in “Balfour, J. Hutton” “Supp. corresp.” cross-ref in entry (JHB)
Thiselton-Dyer, Sir William Turner
Folder containing notes, correspondence and a draft of E. Charles Nelson's article entitled '"A botanical encampment at the foot of Ben Voirlich, June 22nd 1821" by Robert Kaye Greville, and a Scottish beetle' destined to be published in the Archives of Natural History, April 2011, vo. 38, No. 1 : pp. 96-103. There are scans of the engraving in the file, along with correspondence to and from E. Charles Nelson, Jennifer Woods (RBGE Herbarium) and John Mitchell of the Nature Conservancy Council. The article mentions William Jackson Hooker, John Scouler and David Douglas. Many of the notes appear to be by Jennifer Woods, which indicates that the folder was passed to the RBGE Archives by her c. 2019.
E.C. Nelson's Abstract: “A botanical encampment at the foot of Ben Voirlich June 22d. 1821” by Robert Kaye Greville, and a Scottish beetle
A lithograph and an “etching” depicting the same botanical excursion into the Scottish Highlands in June 1821 led by Professor William Jackson Hooker are reunited. The encampment depicted was on the west shore of Loch Lomond at the base of Ben Vorlich in Dunbartonshire. The participants probably included John Scouler and David Douglas, but a French entomologist, Charles Nodier, missed the excursion. A few weeks afterwards in the Highlands Nodier found some insects he did not recognize and named one, a beetle, after Hooker.
KEY WORDS: Scotland – Ben Lomond – William Jackson Hooker – Charles Nodier – Carabus hookeri
Nelson, E. Charles