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- 1873 - 1874
Correspondence dated 1873/1874 filed under “Henderson, Col. F”
Moore, D
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Correspondence dated 1873/1874 filed under “Henderson, Col. F”
Moore, D
The 28 photographs in this series, taken by Pietro Guidi in San Remo, Italy, in the 1870s formed part of the Photographic Flora of San Remo, supervised by local pharmacist Francesco Panizzi. Each photograph has a Latin name, locality and a flowering time and som are hand coloured.
Panizzi, Francesco
'Short Account of the Fossil Tree at Kinneil' by William Badger
‘Short Account of the Fossil Tree at Kinneil’, written by William Badger in July 1875. Account includes 3 sketches of the Fossil Tree, numbered 1,2 and 4.
Badger, William
Frederick Morgan Webb Collection
•Copy of a letter to Webb from H.J. Geddes (4 Dec 1876)
Webb, Frederick Morgan
Book of newspaper cuttings and notes relative to the H.M.S Challenger (1873-76)
Box of Challenger photographs
‘The Challenger Expedition, 1872-1876: A Visual Index’ by Eileen V. Brunton, 2nd Ed, The Library, The Natural History Museum, London (2004)
Brunton, Eileen V.
I. See references in Rodriguez (Transit of Venus) papers, filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” papers under “Rodriguez”
II. See papers filed with “PANDANUS” (mainly I.B. Balfour’s) in general index of archival material. (4 boxes)
III. Letter dated 25 June 1866 from Chas. James Meller – item 141 in bound volume, filed under “Anderson, Dr. Thos.” – Box 2
IV. 12 letters dated 1875 -1876 filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” papers, under “Horne, F”
•Photocopy of a letter to Mr Watson, dated 16th January 1878
Trimen, Henry
•Eaton, D.L. letter to Capt Henderson dated 2 Dec 1878, Re: exchange of specimens. Filed under “Henderson, F”.
Eaton, D. L.
Monograph: Letter to William Maurlan from Isaac Bayley Balfour, dated, November 28th 1879, advising that the Commissioners of the Board of Inland Revenue had authorized an annual provision of 30 gallons of methylated spirits to Glasgow University – for the preservation of Botanical Specimens.
Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley
Correspondence dated, 1874 - 1879 filed under "Henderson, Col. F"
Hutchison, J.J.