- GB 235 MAU
- Stuk
- 1769 - 1844
•Typed copy note of Information about his life given by Miss Maughan, 4th March1908
Maughan, E.J. (MEJ)
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•Typed copy note of Information about his life given by Miss Maughan, 4th March1908
Maughan, E.J. (MEJ)
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•Letter dated 29 Mar 1877 to Capt. Henderson, filed with papers under “Henderson, F”
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•Copy of the title page of his ‘Report on an Exploration on the North East Frontier, 1913
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•Letter dated 29 Jan 1862 to Dr. Thos. Anderson – item 185 in bound volume filed under “Anderson, Dr. Thos.” – Box 2
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•Memo book titled ‘Agarics: New Records and Observations’ (1938), from Dr. Roy Watling through Alan Bennell
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Copy of a letter from J.H. Balfour to the Secretary of the Botanical Society (10.02.1841)
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•Letter and exchange request / book plate c.1890? French collector looking to exchange books? Reference to an Ex-Libris Society. Reaux based at 26 Rue des Dames, Paris. Letter and Card found in RBGE copy of Matthioli’s ‘De Plantis Epitome Utilissima’ 1586 [belonged to John Hope, so presumably not received by exchange with Reaux]
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Reprint by J.C. Adam - "Mosses of West Lothian (V.C.84)"
Reprint was taken from the Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, volume XXVII, part 2, is titled 'Mosses of West Lothian (V.C. 84)' by J.C. Adam and signed 'with the Author's Compliments'. It was read at the Society meeting held on the 8th February 1917, shortly after Adam joined the Machine Gun Corp.
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•Letter from Richardson to unknown 2 Sep 1841, describing a meeting of the British Association regarding a grant for preparing maps for illustration of the geographical distribution of plants & animals, which had lapsed, due to inconsistencies
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•Note of plants found in Ross-shire by Dr. John Robertson (14 Jul1847)
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