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Watt, Sir George

  • GB 235 WSG
  • Collection
  • 1851 - 1930

• Two boxes of papers and correspondence
• Box of original manuscripts in English of ‘First Step in Botany’, published in Bengali (1876)
• Box containing three books of correspondence
• Box of notes on Botany in Manipur
• Box of books and correspondence on Gossypium
• Box containing his diary from 1878, a notebook of P. Neill Fraser’s and a text book with specimens inside it.
• Box containing notebooks and plant lists
• Three boxes of cotton papers and correspondence
• Box containing papers on commercial products of India
• Box containing correspondence regarding commercial products of India
• Folder containing two of the same photograph, one mounted, one not, of Abies Smithiana, Noghanda-Bagi Forrest, Sisula
• Numerous boxes of glass plate negatives

Watt, Sir George

Humphreys, Dr. G.N.

  • GB 235 HUM
  • Collection
  • 1932

•1 box containing papers relating to an expedition to East Africa, Ruwenzori Mountains, (1932); papers seem to be those generated by RBGE Herbarium as opposed to Humphreys himself.

Humphreys, Dr. G.N.

References relating to William Jackson Hooker

  • GB 235 WJH
  • Collection
  • 1824 - 1935

small range of letters, photocopies of letters and references relating to William Jackson Hooker as follows:

  • "For the Edinburgh Museum" - A selection of plants from the Arctic Herbarium put into Dr Hooker's hands by Captain Parry for publication in the Appendix to Captain Parry's second voyage - a considerable number of the cryptogamic plants mentioned in that Appendix only afforded specimens to identify the species by, and were not worth preserving in any of the collections being much injured or mixed with mosses and Jungermannia. Of several others, particularly amongst the Ph[illegible] Plants, there were only unique specimens which are deposited in the British Museum, dated April 5th 1825, W.J. Hooker, Glasgow
  • letter from W.J. Hooker, Glasgow to Dr Gillies, Mendoza, South America, 18 September 1825 (Rec'd 19 February 1826, answered 7 April 1826) Beginning of letter missing, only last page here: "The Dr, however, works hard at Indian Botany, and is going on with his Commentary on Rheede and on Rumphius, the [illegible] printed in the Linnean, the other in the Wernerian Society Transaction. I beseech you to write to me when you have leisure. I take a great interest in all your pursuits and in the prosperity and welfare of your adopted country, of which your journal have conveyed to me much information. Continue your exertions too in favour of Botany. Collect all you can in the neighbourhood of Mendoza as well as at a distance from it and be assured what you so get together will prove valuable. I am, my dear Sir, with very sincere regard, your very faithful and obliged, W. J. Hooker - letter sent to RBGE by Mr David H. Peffers in 1935, see below.
  • Photocopy of letter from John MacQueen Cowan, Assistant Keeper at RBGE to Mr David H. Peffers, Coldstream on Tweed, 10 January 1935 (original filed under Peffers in W.W. Smith correspondence; expressing gratitude for letter of 8 January 1935 with enclosures, including portrait of David Tod and thanking him for page of Hooker's correspondence to Dr Gillies.
  • 2 letters - part of a gift to RBGE of letters (mostly to W.H. Campbell, Secretary of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh) by Dr David Mann, Secretary of the Bot Soc for safekeeping in the Archives. Letters originally came from Mr Edward Aglen - as follows- first is an original letter, dated 30 March 1836, from William Jackson Hooker, Glasgow to W.H. Campbell, agreeing to insert the notice of the new Botanical Society into the earliest number of the Companion to the Botanical Magazine: "I could have wished that you or Dr. Greville had drawn up any further semantic upon the subject that it is desirable to [illegible] because you are so much better acquainted with the nature of the Institution than I can [sensibly?] be. However, I shall very willingly say a few words in its favour. I could not myself undertake to perform the duties of a Local Secretary, nor do I know a single creature in all the west of Scotland who deserves the name of Botanist or who is fit to be charged with the Office in question, save Mr Gardner and he is going off in a few weeks to South America.... The other letter is a photocopy - W.J. Hooker to H.C. Campbell (but same address as W.H. Campbell - intended for him?) dated January 1837 - mention of announcing discovery of Erica vagrans in Ireland in his Companion - letter needs to be properly read.

Hooker, Sir William Jackson

Cryptogamic Society of Scotland (incorporated into the Botanical Society of Edinburgh in 1935)

  • GB 235 CSS
  • Collection
  • 1875 - 1937

1 box containing constitution, reports, field reports of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh Cryptogamic SectionCryptogamic Society of Scotland (1875 - 1935) (incorporated into the Botanical Society of Edinburgh in 1935).
1 box containing laws, lists of members, conference reports (1903-1937) and photographs

Cryptogamic Society of Scotland

Letters, exam papers and horticultural handbook from the family of Thomas Douglas Grieve

  • GB 235 GRI
  • Collection
  • 1898 - 1937
  • 3 letters with their envelopes written to Thomas Douglas Grieve relating to his career - 05 January 1928, William Wright Smith to Thomas Douglas Grieve offering him a place on the probationer course; 15 March 1937, Lord Alness to Thomas Douglas Grieve offering best wishes on his post in Jamaica; 03 April 1937, John Macqueen Cowan to Thomas Douglas Grieve congratulating him on his post in Kingston, Jamaica.
  • Probationer Gardener Papers- 1 lecture synopsis and 7 exam papers sat by Grieve during his probationer gardener career at RBGE - lecture synopsis, 1929-1930; exam papers: Forest Botany, 03 April 1928; Botanical Nomenclature, 25 March 1929; Book-Keeping, 17 December 1929; British Timbers, 31 March 1930; Plant Propagation, 22 July 1930; Forest Botany (2), 30 March 1931; Plant Pathology, 13 July 1931;
  • copy of Dobbie's Horticultural Handbook, 1898 that mentions James Grieve (pp15, 16 and 25 (and John Downie on page 11)) - this book is now in the library collection.

Collins, Ernest Jacob (1878-1939)

  • GB 235 CEJ
  • Collection
  • 1878 - 1939

1 box of general correspondence, photographs, floral diagrams and correspondence between Darlington, Hall and B.L. Burtt about Collin’s material.
1 box of drawings and descriptions of crocus

Collins, Ernest Jacob (1878-1939)

RBGE Plant Phenology Records

  • GB 235 PPR
  • Collection
  • 1899 - 1939

Series of notebooks recording the flowering times (phenology) of certain plants grown at RBGE

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)

E.K. Balls Collection

  • GB 235 BEK
  • Collection
  • 1932 - 1939

Box 1 of 2
• GB 235 BEK/1/01-51: Persia 1932: Correspondence from E.K. Balls to J. MacQueen Cowan and William Wright Smith, field notes, list of specimens despatched, and list of shareholders regarding Balls’ expedition to Persia in 1932, 76 pp., typescript and ms., 1932.
• GB 235 BEK/2/01-78: Correspondence from E.K. Balls to J. MacQueen Cowan and to William Wright Smith, field notes, list of specimens despatched, and list of shareholders regarding Balls’ expedition to Turkey in 1933, 78 pp., typescript and ms., 1933.
• GB 235 BEK/3/001-111: Correspondence from E.K. Balls to J. MacQueen Cowan and to William Wright Smith, field notes, list of specimens despatched, and list of shareholders regarding Balls’ expedition to Turkey in 1934, 111 pp., typescript and ms., 1934.
• GB 235 BEK/4/01-38: Correspondence from E.K. Balls to J. MacQueen Cowan and to William Wright Smith, field notes, list of specimens despatched, list of subscribers, and “A Plant Collecting Expedition into Kurdistan,” an advertisement for shareholders regarding Balls’ expedition to Turkey in 1935, 38 pp., typescript and ms., 1934–1935.

Box 2 of 2
• GB 235 BEK/5/01-21: Correspondence from E.K. Balls to J. MacQueen Cowan and to William Wright Smith, field notes, and list of specimens despatched regarding Balls’ expedition to Morocco in 1936, 21 pp., typescript and ms., 1936.
• GB 235 BEK/6/01-23: Correspondence from E.K. Balls to William Wright Smith, field notes, list of subscribers, and list of seeds and specimens regarding Balls’ expedition to Greece in 1937, 24 pp., typescript 1937.
• GB 235 BEK/7/01-37: Correspondence from E.K. Balls to J. MacQueen Cowan and to William Wright Smith, field notes, and list of specimens despatched regarding Balls’ expedition to Mexico in 1938, 38 pp., typescript and ms., 1938.
• GB 235 BEK/8/01-33: Typescript and ms., correspondence from E.K. Balls to J. MacQueen Cowan and to William Wright Smith, field notes, and list of specimens despatched regarding Balls’ expedition to the Andes, 1938–1939, 33 pp., 1938–1939.

Balls, Edward Kent

Guthrie-Smith, Herbert

  • GB 235 GSH
  • Collection
  • 1862 - 1940

•Box of correspondence, posthumous papers, 1935-54 (New Zealand)

Guthrie-Smith, Herbert

Results 41 to 50 of 130