Affichage de 469 résultats

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6 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Potter, (Helen) Beatrix

  • GB 235 POT
  • Dossier
  • 1866 - 1943

•File containing photocopies of Potter’s correspondence with Charles McIntosh (typescript copies filed under Mary Noble)

Sans titre

Pratt, Antwerp E.

  • GB 235 PAE
  • Pièce
  • 1880 - 1910

•Book containing photographs of personalities, plants and landscapes, China

Sans titre

Pugsley, Herbert William

  • GB 235 PUG
  • Pièce
  • 1868 - 1947

Biography written in 1966 by H.C. Pugsley, filed in Fletcher correspondence – 1966-P

Sans titre

Ramsbottom, John

  • GB 235 RAM
  • Dossier
  • 1885 - 1974

Folder containing a notebook, correspondence, a draft copy of a paper titled ‘History of Scottish Mycology’, and a reprint of ‘History of Scottish Mycology’ by John Ramsbottom, Transactions of the British Mycological Society, Vol. 46, Part 2, (1963)

Sans titre

John Sibthorp bookplate

  • GB 235 SIJ
  • Pièce
  • 1840 - 1849

1 sheet with John Sibthorp's book plate attached to it, alongside email correspondence outlining the discovery.

Sans titre

Items relating to the Botanic Ash Exhibition 1993

  • GB 235 ASH
  • Série organique
  • 1992 - 1993

GB 235/ASH/1/1-16: 1 box of 16 mounted photographs showing the felling of the Ash tree in 1992; and
GB 235 ASH/2: part of one of the tree limbs sliced into sections by Tim Stead to show the damage done internally by fungus; tree limb sections can be arranged to form an artistic sculpture.

Sans titre

Letters, exam papers and horticultural handbook from the family of Thomas Douglas Grieve

  • GB 235 GRI
  • Collection
  • 1898 - 1937
  • 3 letters with their envelopes written to Thomas Douglas Grieve relating to his career - 05 January 1928, William Wright Smith to Thomas Douglas Grieve offering him a place on the probationer course; 15 March 1937, Lord Alness to Thomas Douglas Grieve offering best wishes on his post in Jamaica; 03 April 1937, John Macqueen Cowan to Thomas Douglas Grieve congratulating him on his post in Kingston, Jamaica.
  • Probationer Gardener Papers- 1 lecture synopsis and 7 exam papers sat by Grieve during his probationer gardener career at RBGE - lecture synopsis, 1929-1930; exam papers: Forest Botany, 03 April 1928; Botanical Nomenclature, 25 March 1929; Book-Keeping, 17 December 1929; British Timbers, 31 March 1930; Plant Propagation, 22 July 1930; Forest Botany (2), 30 March 1931; Plant Pathology, 13 July 1931;
  • copy of Dobbie's Horticultural Handbook, 1898 that mentions James Grieve (pp15, 16 and 25 (and John Downie on page 11)) - this book is now in the library collection.

John MacWatt Primula papers

  • GB 235 MCW
  • Collection
  • 1905 - 2023

A collection of material from and relating to the plantsman and primula specialist Dr. John MacWatt including photographs, paintings, scrapbooks, papers, nursery catalogues, articles, medals and certificates.

Sans titre

Résultats 411 à 420 sur 469