Plant labels found by members of the RBGE Horticulture Department and transferred to the Archives:
1: Magnolia acuminata, United States - found to the east of the copse, RBGE; a label intended to hang from the tree, this type of label had the impressed letters painted white by hand, then the entire label was hand painted black - would have been surrounded by a metal holder which has since decomposed - probably dates to around 1940?
2: Ilex laevigata; a temporary label found during excavations for the new Alpine House, 2012 - small label attached to wire which would have been pushed into the ground - probably dates to c.1960?
3: Viburnum dilatatum, c.1960? - temporary label from new Alpine House area.
4: Viburnum farreri - 'layers' - found in Nursery, troughs area - used when 'layering' viburnum - obtaining shoots from roots or branches.
5: Alpinia calcarata
6: Rhododendron hodgsonii
7: LA47
GB 235 HDE
1900 - 1970