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Only top-level descriptions Ecklon, Christian Friedrich Africa
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Olive Hilliard collection

  • GB 235 HIL
  • Collectie
  • 1826 - ?

one folder entitled 'Olive Hilliard's notes on the complex herbarium specimens of J.F. Drège from South Africa' containing "The Innocent's Guide to the Collections of Drege, Ecklon and Zeyher", reprints and copies of reprints: Drege, Ecklon and Zeyher, 'Numbered collecting stations/Standorter-Verzeichniss der von C.L.Zehyer in Sudafrika gesammelten Pflanzen'; Ecklon, C.F. 'Plants found in the District of Uitenhage...1829-30' from South African Quarterly, 1830; Drege, Witteberg, etc; Drege, J.F. 'Standorter-Verzeichniss der von J.F.Drege' - "Drege Area 1" and "Drege Area 5b"; "Drege's Journeys"-Kirby, Percival R 'Early Professional Museum Collectors in South Africa' in South Africa Museums Association Bulletin, 1942; 'Herbarien der sudafrikanischen aussertropischen Flora zu haben bei J.F. Hamburg'
Hilliard's Botanical pencil illustrations are held in the Archives: 16 A4 binders covering Scrophumariaceae to Manuleae; Pseudo-selago; Selago; Gesneriaceae; Agalmyla; and one box of Streptocarpus. (shelf J:1:1)

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