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10 letters transcribed and typed onto 27 pages of letters from George Don to Nathaniel J. Winch, copied by the Linnaean Society of London

A series of 10 letters transcribed and typed onto 27 pages of letters from George Don to Nathaniel J. Winch, copied by the Linnaean Society of London by B. Daydon Jackson [see correspondence in the Don scrapbook, GDS/1] 1802-1812, some reproduced in Notes of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, v.iii, pt xiv, February 1905. There are some annotations / corrections by Isaac Bayley Balfour.

Don, George

Alexander P. Stevenson papers

  • GB 235 STE
  • File
  • 1907 - 2015

•Application and testimonials for part of the Secretary /Registrar of the University College of Dundee. (see George Don Sr Collection for further information) 235-gds
• paper entitled 'Patrick Blair, Surgeon-Apothecary, Dundee, Scotland: A Memoir' by Alex. P. Stevenson, read to the Dundee Symposium, 9th February 1907 and to the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, 11th April 1907 - reprint was owned by Isaac Bayley Balfour and has a letter from Stevenson glued into the front cover. It refers to the Blair elephant.

Stevenson, Alexander P.

Anne Neilson Cumming Course attendance and results

  • GB 235 CAN
  • File
  • 1918 - 1921

Note: Anne Neilson Cumming attended two term courses; Autumn & Spring 1918-1919 for Arts. First Class Examination 92%; Second Class Examination 66%; Passed for Arts March 1919; Demonstrated to Medical Class during the Summer of 1919, 1920 and 1921.

Cumming, Anne Neilson

Arthur Francis George Kerr Siam Expedition papers

  • GB 235 KER
  • File
  • 1921 - 1931

• 3 hand drawn maps & 1 printed map of an Expedition in Siam (1921), Chengmai district, N. Thailand, to be found in Archive Box I-K. 2 expeditions were taken during 1921. Routes followed day by day marked in red. Jan-April and late April –Jun. Printed map of the Kingdom of Siam and neighbouring states pre-1939
• Hand written list of plants extracted from a copy of J.G. Koenig's ‘Journal of a Voyage from India to Siam and Malacca in 1779’ (April 26th 1931), in folder in Archive Box I-K. Plants noted at Ban Pak nam, Siam. Some plants introduced since his visit.

Kerr, Arthur Francis George

Baber, Edward Colborne

  • GB 235 BEC
  • File
  • 1843 - 1890

E. Colborne Baber ‘Royal Geographical Society Supplementary Papers Vol. I. Part 1: Travels and Researches in Western China’ London, 1882

Baber, Edward Colborne

Bertha Chandler notebooks and thesis

  • GB 235 CHB
  • File
  • 1905 - 1915
  • Bertha Chandler's thesis, 1913, "The Theory and Practice of Vegetative Propagation in the Flowering Plants", illustrated by Bertha's drawings and photographs, and photographs by Robert Moyes Adam.
  • 4 notebooks; Botany, May 1905 - Bertha's University of Edinburgh lecture notes; Practical Botany sketch book, Winter 1907-08, drawings and notes; Hardy Shrubs, drawings, notes and literature references, plus numerous enclosure, including partial notes for a talk on plant luminescence; and 'Where is it?' - an indexed book containing an alphabetical list of plants experimented with for Callus formation and Propagation with numerical list at end of book.
  • Reprint - Utricularia emarginata by Chandler, Annals of Botany, vol. XXIV, No., XCV, July 1910, owned by Chandler.
  • 7 copies of Chandler's biography for the RBGE Guild journal.

Chandler, Bertha

Botany Dept, Museum of Natural History, Paris, France

  • GB 235 FRA
  • File
  • 1912 - 1913

France (Museum of Natural History, Botany, Paris)
Correspondence dated 1912 – 1913 on Primula filed with subject material under “Primula” (Box 1) in Main index

Botany Dept, Museum of Natural History, Paris, France

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