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Hill, John Rutherford

  • GB 235 HJR
  • File
  • 1857 - 1941

•Letter, dated 6 April 1940,
•Papers, dated June – November 1900, re: Pharmaceutical Society, Regulation of Examinations filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” papers under “Pharmaceutical Society"

Hill, John Rutherford

Hely-Hutchison, Mrs. J.W.

  • GB 235 HJW
  • File
  • 1947

The undernoted papers, which are filed under “Trotter, Capt. H.” are those referred to in the appended extract from Mrs. J.W. Hely-Hutchison’s letter of 26th Feb. 1947:
[1] List of seeds and plants imported from America 1760 and sold by Mrs. Drummond, Seed Merchant, Lawn Market, Edinburgh
[2] List of fruit trees required for Mortonhall (Mortoun Hall), 1772

Hely-Hutchison, Mrs. J.W.

Haryats(?), Pedro L (Portugal?)

  • GB 235 HYP
  • File
  • 1884 - 1885

•2 letters dated 1884 & 1885 to Col. Henderson filed under “Henderson, F”

Haryats, Pedro L.

Harley, Andrew (c. 1872 – 1950)

  • GB 235 HAA
  • File
  • 1912 - 1913

•Correspondence dated 1912 -1913 on “Primula”, filed with subject material under “Primula”, Box 1 in main index

Harley, Andrew

Grieve, James

  • GB 235 GVE
  • File
  • 1840 - 1924

•2 Letters, 1892 filed in “Balfour. I Bayley” correspondence under “Grieve, James
•Undated letter, original writer was Grieve, James (of Apple Fame) regarding history & cultivation of Violas. There are 2 photocopies of book extracts relating to Pansies & Violas.

Grieve, James

Greville, Robert Kaye

  • GB 235 GRK
  • File
  • 1832 - 1866

•Handwritten direction to the site of his grave
•Unbound duplicate drawings of Diatoms originally at the end of a collection of Greville’s Papers
•Catalogue written by R.K. Greville of first parcel from Thomas Drummond from St. Luis, Alleganies & New Orleans 1832 filed under “Drummond, Thomas” folder (DRU)

Greville, Robert Kaye

Gray, Asa

  • GB 235 GRA
  • File
  • 1860 - 1887

•3 letters, dated 1860 – 1864, to Dr. Thos. Anderson in bound volume filed under “Anderson, Dr. Thos.” – items 33, 34 & 35. In Box 2
•Letters dated 1 May (1887?) and 27 April 1887 of H Pelham and Bartholomew Price respectively, re; proposal for Hon. D. L. degree, sent to I Bayley Balfour filed with "Balfour, I.B." papers under “Pelham, H” and “Price, B” respectively

Gray, Asa

Granny (Sea Anemone) 1828 - 1887

  • GB 235 GRY
  • File
  • 1828 - 1887

Granny (Sea Anemone) 1828 - 1887
Life History & associated papers filed with “Royal Botanic Garden” “Edinburgh” papers (boxes in general index)

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)

Gordon, Rosemary

  • GB 235 GOR
  • File
  • 1935

Gordon, Rosemary
• Thesis: a General Account of the Anatomy of Saurauja Subspinosa, 1935
66 typed pages, inc. 2 page Bibliography; 19 pages describing 22 Figures & 6 pages describing 12 Plates (Thesis Bot. IV, no plates but negatives with m.y.o. [Matthew Young Orr])

Gordon, Rosemary

Goethe, M. (Expedition to the Andes, 1924 )

  • GB 235 GOM
  • File
  • 1924 - 1925

2 folders relating to M. Goethe's Plant Collecting Expedition to the Andes, 1924
•Folder 1: correspondence, dated 1924 – 1925, with M. Goethe, Henry D. McLaren & Prof. W. W. Smith
•Folder 2: Original handwritten list of 273 specimens of plants & seeds collected by M. Goethe

Goethe, M.

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