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Reginald Farrer - correspondence to Ernest Gye

A collection of 13 letters purchased at auction in 2008, written by Reginald Farrer and most likely sent to the British Diplomat Ernest Frederick Gye C.M.G., though Farrer tends to refer to him as his “Poison”, “Viper” or “Venom”.
Gye's mother was the singer Dame Emma Albani and his father was Ernest Gye, the lessee of Covent Garden theatre. Gye entered the Foreign Office in 1903, became Second Secretary in 1908 and Councillor in 1924. He served for some years in Tehran in the earlier part of his career (and where he was when these letters were written) before being appointed Minister and Consul General in Tangier in 1933. Three years later he was made Minister Plenipotentiary in Venezuela, retiring in 1939.
The 13 letters were written in Upper Burma (now Myanmar), mainly from Hpimaw and Nyitadi, and date between May 1919 and September 1920, the last being written only five weeks before his death. The letters are liberally peppered with nicknames and gossip, and the identity of everyone mentioned may never be known; for example, his 1919 travelling companion, fellow plant collector Euan Cox, is often referred to by the name “Jumps”. In amongst intimate information and personal references are descriptions of the country, people met and plants collected.

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Hand coloured multi block wood engravings featuring Reginald Farrer

  • GB 235 ROR
  • Archief
  • 2015

2 limited edition hand coloured multi block wood engravings showing the plantsman Reginald Farrer created in 2015 by artist Abigail Rorer of the Lone Oak Press. There is also accompanying correspondence detailing the donation.

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Southam slides - RBGE visits

  • GB 235 CTS
  • Archief
  • 1960 - 1979

5 boxes of slides, totalling around 400 slides, and an envelope "Botanic Garden Notes" (now in Box 1) of news clippings relating to the opening of the Glasshouses.

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Mairi Planner's Downie, Laird and Laing Research

  • GB 235 DLL
  • Archief
  • 1860 - 2019

Collection consists of Mairi Planner's research into the Edinburgh nurserymen Downie, Laird and Laing, including material used in exhibiting the research. Mairi's great great grandfather Andrew Robertson Annan worked for the firm in the 1860s before moving to the Ravelston Estate in Edinburgh where he became Head Gardener - in researching him, Planner became interested in the nurserymen he worked for.

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Wood samples from the International Forestry Exhibition held in Edinburgh in 1884

  • GB 235 IFE
  • Archief
  • 1865 - 1884

Seven samples of wood displayed at the International Forestry Exhibition held in Edinburgh in 1884 - all are labelled with "Sierra Leone, Edinburgh Forestry Exhibition, 1884" - additional markings are as follows:

  • No 5, Gree-Gree, Greegree, 1884.83.31
  • Beck, 1884.83.32
  • Koronko, Coronko, Kronko, 1884.83.39
  • Oak, [Teak scored out], 1884.83.41
  • Conta-Cobang, Contabang, Cotan Cobang, 1884.83.43
  • Koondee, Cundee, 1884.83.46
  • White Brimstone, 1884.83.47
    The Exhibition Catalogue indicates that the Government of Sierra Leone had a stand at the exhibition where they displayed "Specimens of the Woods of the Colony, native, polished 1865, redone 1884" - it is assumed that these may have been part of this display.

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Reginald Farrer - Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh archives

Two boxes of correspondence, seed lists and field notes to, from and relating to Reginald Farrer and his expeditions to Kansu (Gansu) in Northern China (1914-1915) and Upper Burma (1919-1920) and one box containing a photo album and letter. These records were likely brought together from various sources within the RBGE Archives so that items relating to Farrer were kept together. It has been decided to keep this collection together.

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RBGE Plant Labels

  • GB 235 HDE
  • Archief
  • 1900 - 1970

Plant labels found by members of the RBGE Horticulture Department and transferred to the Archives:
1: Magnolia acuminata, United States - found to the east of the copse, RBGE; a label intended to hang from the tree, this type of label had the impressed letters painted white by hand, then the entire label was hand painted black - would have been surrounded by a metal holder which has since decomposed - probably dates to around 1940?
2: Ilex laevigata; a temporary label found during excavations for the new Alpine House, 2012 - small label attached to wire which would have been pushed into the ground - probably dates to c.1960?
3: Viburnum dilatatum, c.1960? - temporary label from new Alpine House area.
4: Viburnum farreri - 'layers' - found in Nursery, troughs area - used when 'layering' viburnum - obtaining shoots from roots or branches.
5: Alpinia calcarata
6: Rhododendron hodgsonii
7: LA47

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Dr Mark Newman - Ginger correspondence

  • GB 235 NEW
  • Archief
  • 1991 - 2003

The gingers correspondence folders are arranged alphabetically by name; the dates are approximate:
Marlina Ardiyani - 1996-2003
Khaw Siok Hooi - 2001
John Kress - 1998-2001
Yulita Kusumadewi - 1998-2001
Tony Lamb - 1998-1999
Kai Larsen - 1994-2000
Amelie Lhuillier - 2002
John Mood - 1993-2001
Chatchai Ngamriabsakul - 1997-2001
Rachun Pooma - 1999-2001
Atique Rahman - 1999
Achariya Rangsiriyi - 1996-2002
Shoko Sakai - 1996-1999
Atsuko Takano - 1998-2006
Ida Theilade - 1994-2000
Tru'o'ng Quang Tam - 1994
Tom Wood - 1998-2001

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Edinburgh Microscopical Society

  • GB 235 EMS
  • Archief
  • 1977 - 2000

1 ledger, 1 boxfile and 1 lever arch ring binder of material relating to the running of the Edinburgh Microscopical Society

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