Notes written after Yu's time at RBGE ; Chinese botanist Te-Tsun Yu's [T.T. Yu's] career was significant and in recognition that our records of his time at RBGE are limited, RBGE horticulturist Edward Kemp contributed to our records by producing an account of his time spent with Yu alongside a summary of his career. To this is added an assessment of the Yu herbarium written by Jimmy Keenan in the 1960s(?)
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)Around 40 ledgers were transferred from the RBGE Herbarium in October 2023, to which was added the earliest Donations ledger already in the Archives.
List of Ledgers transferred to Archives, October 2023
Accession RBGEA2023/019
Donations to Herbarium, 1878-1914 (Feb) (commencing from the Donation List printed in Trans Edin Bot Soc v xiii pt2)
Collections Presented or Purchased, 1923-1930 – small notebook
Purchases / Gifts, 1956-1999
Donation Book – indexed by year – 1902-1958 – foolscap
Exchange book – 1956-1998 - arranged by institution we’re exchanging with – keeps track of exchange tallies to keep to and fro even. Some irregular exchanges listed here with note to see red Irregular exchange book for details (below)
Irregular exchanges, 1979-1999 – details (?) of irregular exchanges listed in above book. (looks like this book was meant for listing expedition accessions, but only 2 expeditions listed in 1998.
Incoming Loans
Loans Received 1956-1964 – small notebook
Loans Received 1964-1969 – small notebook
Incoming Loans (Store Copy) 1966-1986 – boards detached
Incoming Loans 1987-1999 – boards detached
Loans Record for RBGE staff, 1952-1999 – keeping track of what loans belong to RBGE staff members
Outgoing Loans ledgers
1: Loans from 1 April 1955 to 12 December 1958
2: Specimens on loan from 6 December 1958 to 1963, Nos 42/58 to 38/63
3: Specimens on loan, 1963-1965 - 39/63 to 20/65
4: Specimens on loan, 1965-1966 – 21/65 to 106/66
5: Specimens on loan, 1967 – 1/67 to 126/67
6: Specimens on loan, 1967-1969 – 127/67 to 25/69
7: Specimens on loan, 1969-1970 – 26/69 to 59/70
8: Specimens on loan, 1970-1971 – 60/70 to 89/71
9: Specimens on loan, 1972-1973 – 1/72 to 33/73
10: Specimens on loan, (Loans Out) 1973 – 34/73 to 137/73
11: Loans Out, 1974-1975 – 1/74 to 104/75
12: Loans Out, 1975-1977 – 105/75 to part loan 87/77
13: Loans Out, 1977-1978 – 61/77 and cont. loan 87/77 to 161/78
14: Loans Out, 1979-1980 – 1/79 to 177/80
15: Loans Out, 1980-1982 – 178/80 to 77/82
16: Loans 1982-1984 – 78/82 to 26/84
17: Loans 1984-1985 – 27/84 to 60/85
18: Loans 1985-1986 – 61/85 to 130/86
19: Loans 1986-1988 – 131/86 to 4/88
20: Loans 1988-1989 – 5/88 to 66/89
21: Loans 1989-1991 – 67/89 to 7/91
22: Loans 1991-1992 – 8/91 to 99/92
23: Loans 1992-1994 – 100/92 to 91/94(pt)
24: Loans 1994-1995 – 91/94(pt) to 134/95
Outgoing Loans – abbreviated Loan books
Loans Out, 1924-1976 – one-line summaries – fore-runner to day book?
Loans Out, 1977-1992 – one-line summaries – nos 1-134 1/77-134/92
Loans Out, 1992-1999 – 135/92 to 2493 one-line summaries – new numbering system starts in 1995 (no 2004) - next book in sequence - ‘Transactions’ or ‘Day Books’
Day Books / Transactions
Transactions, 1999-2007 – nos 2494-5239 – entries are now colour coded to denote what kind of transaction they are – black- loans out, red- loans in, blue- exchange in and out, green- gift in and out
Transactions, 2007-2012 – nos 5240-6766
Transactions, 2012-2019 – nos 6767-8331
Transactions 2019-2023 – nos 8332-8525, followed by Specify Numbers to 01555 at which point it was decided to discontinue paper ledgers as Specify now used to record all transactions.
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)Small collection of papers dating to 1969-1970 that reference John McLaren and the centenary celebrations of the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, filed under “San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, Centenary”
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)GB 235 RJF/1/5/1: letter dated Dec 6 from Reginald Farrer to Mrs Parker found in a donated copy of 'English Rock Garden' by R. Farrer.
GB 235 RJF/1/5/2: Historic England Report, 2016, on assessment of restoration of Farrer's rock garden at Clapham by Rebecca Pullan, HE Research Report Series no.7-2016
GB 235 RJF/1/5/3: Articles by Graham Avery, yet to be listed
Photograph Album donated to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in 1984 by Miss Gwen Hall, Cumbria. It was bequeathed to her in 1976 by Elsie Purdom, William's sister. There should have been 2 albums but only one was transferred. [It looks as if the other one went to the Lakeland Horticultural Society, and is now at RBGE on permanent loan - RJF/3/1]
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)Folder of mainly copy letters from Reginald Farrer to Euan H.M. Cox dating between February and September 1920, some typed transcripts, all copied by Cox's son Peter in 1987, alongside associated correspondence between Peter Cox and D.M. Henderson, then Regius Keeper at RBGE, arranging to have the letters copied and stored at RBGE.
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)Two folders relating to Farrer's second expedition to Upper Burma between 1919 and 1920 and his death there. Correspondence is mainly between Farrer and William Wright Smith, Deputy Regius Keeper at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, but also Isaac Bayley Balfour, Lionel de Rothschild, S.R. Fasoms, and post Farrer's death, Claude Barton of the Ingleborough Estate Office, Colonel Stephenson Clarke, Euan H.M. Cox, H.M. Farrer of Farrer and Co. solicitors [dealing with Farrer's estate] and Farrer's mother, Bessie requesting coloured paintings of Gentiana farreri and Lilium farreri so that glass windows may be made up for the church in Clapham.
There are also seed and plant lists, identifications and distribution lists to subscribers [though no list of subscribers was found].
Farrer correspondence (41 letters in 1 folder) relating to Farrer and Cox's expedition to Burma [Myanmar] between 1919 and 1920.
1 folder, including correspondence to and from Reginald Farrer, Isaac Bayley Balfour and S.R. Fasoms(?),Linoel de Rothschild and E. L'Estrange P. Thompson.
Farrer Correspondence (82 letters in 2 folders) relating to Farrer and Purdom's expedition to Kansu [Gansu] province in north China between 1914 and 1915.
folder 1, letters 1-40 includes correspondence to and from Reginald Farrer, Isaac Bayley Balfour, David Prain, Arthur W. Hill, W.R. Dykes (regarding Farrer's irises from China) and George Redman of Farrer's Craven nursery.
folder 2, letters 41-82 includes correspondence to and from Reginald Farrer, Isaac Bayley Balfour, George Redman, and Edward Arnold, publisher, regarding problems with an appendix to one of Farrer's books.
This box comprises mainly correspondence to and from Reginald Farrer and Sir Isaac Bayley Balfour, Regius Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (1888-1922) but there is also correspondence to/from Sir/Colonel David Prain, Arthur W. Hill, W.R. Dykes, George Redman of the Craven Nursery, and Edward Arnold.
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Creator)