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Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley
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Papers relating to James Sutherland (Regius Keeper, 1699-1714)

•Biographical notes, a copy of his memoir, correspondence regarding his memoir (1874-1932), and a draft copy of catalogue of plants (1912), copies of letters, a copy of his catalogue prepared by I.B. Balfour and William D. Kemp, and a copy of ‘Faculty of Advocates: Cabinet of Coins (James Sutherland)’ (1856)

Sutherland, James

Patrick Neill’s copy of George Don’s “A Catalogue of a few of the Rarest and Latest Introduced Plants, cultivated for sale at Don’s Botanic Garden and Nursery, Forfar”, 1813.

'A Catalogue of a few of the Rarest and Latest Introduced Plants, cultivated for sale at Don's Botanic Garden and Nursery, Forfar', by G. Don; late curator of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh; Honorary [Corresponding] Member of the Linnaean Society, London; and late President of the Rational Institute of Dundee.
Catalogue includes greenhouse plants, shrubs and herbaceous plants, is 17 pages longs and contains the following quote from Don at the end: “this catalogue contains but a small proportion of my Herbaceous Collection; which is equaled by few in Britain, and surpassed by none perhaps but the Cambridge one. I have also upwards of three hundred species of Grasses.”
Front cover slightly annotated by former owner Patrick Neill.

Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley

Monograph on Figs

  • GB 235 FIG
  • File
  • 1847

•Monograph on Figs - draft M/S from I.B.B.'s papers.
•M/S Catalogue of Artocarpeae – L’Herbier Boissier Received with Monograph on Figs in “Balfour, I.B. papers” , filed under “Boissier, P.E.”
•Letter dated 14 March 1847 to G. A. Walker-Arnott filed under “Miquel, A. W.” (Miquel, F. Anton Wilhelm) in main index

Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley

Glasgow University

  • GB 235 GUV
  • Item
  • 1879

Monograph: Letter to William Maurlan from Isaac Bayley Balfour, dated, November 28th 1879, advising that the Commissioners of the Board of Inland Revenue had authorized an annual provision of 30 gallons of methylated spirits to Glasgow University – for the preservation of Botanical Specimens.

Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley

Mascarene / Madagascar Islands

  • GB 235 MAS
  • Collection
  • 1875 - 1887

•Copy of the first page of a paper by I.B. Balfour titled ’The Pandaneae of the Mascarene Islands’, 1875

  1. Refs: M/S notes “Scraps on Palms” – Wendland – filed in “Balfour, I. Bayley” correspondence under “Misc. Papers” – Box 9
  2. Correspondence, dated 1887 Capt. Pasfield Oliver/ I.B. Balfour re: Mascarene / Madagascar filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” papers under “Oliver, Capt. Pasfield”
  3. References filed in “PANDANUS” boxes in general index.

Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley

Natural History Museum

  • GB 235 NHM
  • File
  • 1880 - 1900

•Correspondence 1888 – 1900 (George Murray/ I.B. Balfour) filed under “ Balfour, I.Bayley” papers under “Murray, George

Balfour, Sir Isaac Bayley

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