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12 Archival description results for Herbarium

12 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Olive Hilliard collection

  • GB 235 HIL
  • Collection
  • 1826 - ?

one folder entitled 'Olive Hilliard's notes on the complex herbarium specimens of J.F. Drège from South Africa' containing "The Innocent's Guide to the Collections of Drege, Ecklon and Zeyher", reprints and copies of reprints: Drege, Ecklon and Zeyher, 'Numbered collecting stations/Standorter-Verzeichniss der von C.L.Zehyer in Sudafrika gesammelten Pflanzen'; Ecklon, C.F. 'Plants found in the District of Uitenhage...1829-30' from South African Quarterly, 1830; Drege, Witteberg, etc; Drege, J.F. 'Standorter-Verzeichniss der von J.F.Drege' - "Drege Area 1" and "Drege Area 5b"; "Drege's Journeys"-Kirby, Percival R 'Early Professional Museum Collectors in South Africa' in South Africa Museums Association Bulletin, 1942; 'Herbarien der sudafrikanischen aussertropischen Flora zu haben bei J.F. Drege...in Hamburg'
Hilliard's Botanical pencil illustrations are held in the Archives: 16 A4 binders covering Scrophumariaceae to Manuleae; Pseudo-selago; Selago; Gesneriaceae; Agalmyla; and one box of Streptocarpus. (shelf J:1:1)

Hilliard, Olive

Research notes related to the Delile specimens in the RBGE Herbarium

  • GB 235 DEL-temp
  • File
  • 1955 - 1984

Folder of notes comprising Ian Hedge's attempts to discover more about a set of Egyptian specimens in the RBGE Herbarium, mostly incorporating the name of Delile [or Delille, Delisle], but sometimes also, Vahl, Desfontaines, Lippi, Vaillantes or Zorsbial [Forskal?] 'Scattered throughout the Edinburgh herbarium are a number of specimens, probably a few score, which appear from the evidence of the labels, to be an early Egyptian collection. In common with some other of the older collections they are often mounted on sheets which have other specimens and labels on them.' The file includes letters written to other institutions by Ian Hedge with their responses between 1983 and 1986.
The collection also includes a set of correspondence between ,B.L. Burtt and Dr Hagerup, Copenhagen, dating to 1955 and relating to similar/connected collections made by Schumacher, Vahl and Forskal.

Hedge, Ian Charleson

Results 11 to 12 of 12