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Forrest, George
Q204566; GB/NNAF/P126501; VIAF ID: 64335134 (Personal); ISNI: 0000 0000 4457 4445 · Pessoa · 1873-1932

Born in Falkirk in 1873, George Forrest became one of Scotland's most prolific plant collectors, conducting seven expeditions in Yunnan province, S.W. China between 1904 and his death there in 1932.

Fraser, Patrick Neill
Q21513491; VIAF ID: 282222228 · Pessoa · 1830-1905

Born Edinburgh 1830; died Edinburgh 1905
The son of William Fraser who was a partner in the Neill & Co. printing firm in Edinburgh, Patrick Neill Fraser took over the firm on the death of its owner, the naturalist Patrick Neill, in 1851. He established a renowned garden at his home, Rockville, in Murrayfield, Edinburgh specialising in alpine plants and both tender and hardy ferns, as well as polyanthus. He was treasurer of the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society for 28 years and was also a member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and Royal Scottish Geographical Society.
Sources : R. Desmond ‘Dictionary of British and Irish Botanists and Horticulturalists; obituary folder

Hooker, Sir William Jackson
Q472639; GB/NNAF/P150219 · Pessoa · 1785-1865

Professor of Botany at Glasgow University and Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Berkeley, Miles Joseph
GB/NNAF/P157772 · Pessoa · 1803-1889


Hemsley, William Botting
HWB · Pessoa · 1843-1924

Hemsley began working at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in1860 as an Improver before becoming their Herbarium's Assistant for India and then the Keeper of Kew's Herbarium and Library.

Henderson, Douglas Mackay
HDM · Pessoa · 1927-2007

Born Perthshire 1927, died Ross-shire 2007
Douglas Henderson graduated BSc in botany from Edinburgh University in 1948, joining the civil service as a scientific officer in the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries that year. He moved to the Royal Botanic Garden as a senior scientific officer in 1951 and was head of the non-flowering plant collections until 1970. He was library supervisor from 1961 to 1970 and also lectured in botany and plant physiology. A mycologist by training, he was involved in the start of the British Fungus Flora project and co-authored a book on British Rust Fungi. He became an authority on British flora, especially the plants of the Highlands. Douglas Henderson was appointed Regius Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden in 1970. His time in office saw extensive developments in the Garden including completion of new glasshouses, a new alpine area and an expanded range of exhibition houses. The wider estate also grew with the acquisition of Dawyck Botanic Garden in Peeblesshire. During his period of office herbarium specimens increased by 250,000 to 1.8 million, including collections from an expanding programme of worldwide botanical explorations. And there was a rapid expansion of the library with a doubling of stock to 75,000 volumes and a developing international reputation; he personally led the introduction of the first electron microscope. Inverleith House in the centre of the gardens was re-opened as an exhibition space and Henderson was active in encouraging public engagement and growing educational links. Towards the end of Henderson’s term of office in 1986 the Royal Botanic Garden gained new status as a non-departmental public body accountable to a Board of Trustees. Douglas Henderson was awarded the CBE in 1985 and retired in 1987, moving to Wester Ross where initially he took on the role of administrator of the National Trust gardens at Inverewe.
Sources: Deni Bown, ‘4 Gardens in One’; obituary folder

Horsfield, Thomas
GB/NNAF/P126084 · Pessoa · 1773-1859
Roxburgh, Dr. William
ROX · Pessoa · 1751-1815

Scottish surgeon and botanist, referred to as the Father of Indian botany.