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People & Organisations
Anderson, Thomas
GB/NNAF/P146417 · Person · 1832-1870

Born Edinburgh 1832; died Edinburgh 1870.
After graduating with an MD at the University of Edinburgh, Thomas Anderson entered the East India Company Bengal medical service in 1854, serving in the North West Provinces and then Lucknow (he was present at the time of the Siege). He returned to Calcutta in 1858 as garrison assistant surgeon but ill health sent him back to Britain. He had developed an interest in botany at university and whilst in India studied the local flora and collected plants in the Himalayas. During his journey back to Britain he stayed briefly in Aden where his collections formed the basis of ‘Florula Adenensis’, a supplement to the Journal of The Linnean Society. Anderson returned to India in 1860 and took temporary charge of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, becoming superintendent in 1861, a post he held until 1868. In 1861 he went to Java to bring back plants and seeds of Cinchona calisaya a source of quinine for new plantations in India. He was invalided back to Britain in 1869, resuming his research on Indian flora, but died the following year from a liver complaint.
Sources: DNB; Desmond's Dictionary; Gard Chron 1870, Jnl Bot 1870
by D.W.

Anthony, John
ANT · Person · 1891-1972

Born in Edinburgh in 1891 to Robert and Marion Anthony, John Anthony attended George Heriot's School and Edinburgh University, reading Arts and Science. His studies were interrupted by the First World War, with him spending eight years in service in France, Italy (where he won a Military Cross in 1918[?]), Egypt and Palestine, resuming University life in 1923.
After graduating in 1924 he worked on a rubber plantation in Malaya for five years, before becoming an assistant lecturer in Botany at the University College in Dundee on his return in 1932. In 1934 he became a lecturer in Forest Botany (amongst other things) at the University of Edinburgh, and so began his career with the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. He was a member of the teaching staff for 24 years, retiring in 1958. In his retirement he worked on producing a guide for indentifying trees, shrubs and undershrubs by their microscopic properties, and a Flora of Sutherland - the latter being published posthumously by the Botanical Society of Edinburgh [Scotland].

GB/NNAF/P136114 · Person · 1848-1937

Armstrong was a lecturer in Chemistry in London and researched agricultural chemistry.

Arnold Arboretum
Corporate body · 1872-present

Connected to Harvard University, the Arnold Arboretum, founded in 1872, is the oldest public arboretum in America. The first director was Charles Sprague Sargent, who, from the 1890's established a three decade long programme of plant exploration in Asia.
(right click, open link in new tab)

Arnott, George Arnott Walker
Q730292; GB/NNAF/P142840 · Person · 1799-1868

Born Edinburgh 1799: died Glasgow 1868.
George Walker Arnott entered the University of Edinburgh aged 14 and took his MA degree in 1818, having already published learned articles on mathematics. He then studied law but abandoned it (due to a dislike of public speaking) in favour of botany, and in the early 1820s went to France to exchange views and excursions with the great French botanists, for a time working in the Paris herbaria. He became famous for his work on cryptogams. He was elected a fellow of the Linnean Society in 1825 and in 1828 the genus Arnottia was named after him. Between 1830 and 1840 Arnott worked with Sir William Jackson Hooker building a reputation as a meticulous taxonomist. His descriptions of new plants from South America, India and Senegambia were published in various journals and he co-operated with Robert Wight in his Illustrations of Indian Botany. In 1837 the University of Aberdeen awarded him its LLD and in 1845 he was elected Regius Professor of Botany at Glasgow University. In 1850 he collaborated with Hooker on the sixth edition of 'British Flora'. At that time he studied and built up a collection of diatoms. Although ‘disinclined’ to publish, his obituary in the Journal of Botany notes that ‘his marvellous letters … to his numerous working correspondents’ made his scientific observations equally useful. He was also an enthusiastic curler and freemason.
Sources: DNB; Desmond's Dictionary; Jnl Bot 1868; Gard Chron 1868
by D.W.

Arthur, William
ART · Person · 1680-1716

William Arthur graduated in medicine in Leiden in 1707 and practised in Fife, becoming a member of the Edinburgh College of Physicians in 1714. He received the Royal Warrant of appointment to the offices of the King’s Botanist and Keeper of the physic garden at Holyrood in 1715. However despite the Warrant saying he was ‘skilled in botany’ there is no evidence of this and it is likely that he secured the posts through political influence, accessed through his marriage. He was more famous for his involvement in a chaotic and unsuccessful Jacobite plot to seize Edinburgh Castle in 1715 (as told in Walter Scott’s ‘Tales of a Grandfather’) after which he escaped to Rome where he died the following year of dysentery.
Sources: Fletcher and Brown ‘The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 1670-1970’; (R. Desmond ‘Dictionary of British and Irish Botanists and Horticulturalists); (Deni Bown, ‘4 Gardens in One’)