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Dr Thomas Anderson correspondence and papers

  • GB 235 ADT
  • Collection
  • 1859 - 1868

GB 235 ADT/1 - 100 letters from J.D. Hooker to Thomas Anderson, July 1860-December 1867

GB 235 ADT/2 - 10 letters from J.D. Hooker to Thomas Anderson, March-July 1868

GB 235 ADT/3 - 171 letters from various correspondents to Thomas Anderson, December 1861-October 1867
1-13 - A.A. Black
14-15 - W.H. Harvey
16 - J.S. Henslow
17-22 - H. Cruger
23-28 - W.J. Hooker
29 - Ph. Parlatore
30-32 - M. Wichura
33-35 - Asa Gray
36-42 - John Hutton Balfour
43 - William Jameson
44-45 - John Hutton Balfour
46-73 - R. Henry Beddome
74-75 - George Bentham
76-77 - Binnendijk
78-79 - A. Braun
80-81 - R. Caspary
82-84 - Hugh Cleghorn
85 - N.A. Dalzell
86-87 - Joseph Decaisne
88-90 - Sir William Denison
91 - Michael Pakenham Edgeworth
92 - H.R. Goppert
96 - G.R. Gray
97-108 - Daniel Hanbury
109-110 - H.F. Hancs
111 - W.B. Hemsley
112-113 - William Hillebrand
114 - Walter Hill
115 - A. Henry to Hooker
116-119 - R. Lenormond (Vire)
120 - James McGibbon
121-140 - Alexander Caroll Maingay
141 - Charles James Meller
142-143 - Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel
144 - Grindlay & Co.
145-146 - Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel
147-152 - Charles Moore
153 - Thomas Moore
154-171 - Ferdinand von Mueller

GB 235 ADT/4 - 84 letters from various correspondents to Thomas Anderson, April 1861-December 1867
172-173 - Thomas Dillon
174-180 - J.E. Dury
181 - W. van Gorkom
182 - W.H. Harvey to Hooker
183-184 - A. Landon
185 - J. Nolischlau
186-189 - William Graham McIvor
190-194 - Sir Clements Robert Markham
195 - M. Wolo to J.E. Teysmann
196-200 - J.E. Teysmann
201-207 - Thomas Thomson
208-242 - G.H.K. Thwaites
243-246 - Todaro Agostino
247-248 - John S. Tyerman
249-250 - Robert Wight
251 - William Graham McIvor to Robert Wight
252-253 - Robert Wight
254 - Dr Thomas Anderson to Mr Scott (draft)
255 - Dr Thomas Anderson to Mr W. Grey (Secretary to the Govt of India) (draft)

'Cinchona Reports': bound album of letters and official papers (mainly Indian Government) all relating to economic plants, particularly Cinchona, 1859-1864. includes mention of Cleghorn.

Sans titre

John Anthony collection

  • GB 235 ANT
  • Collection
  • 1910 - 1972

GB 235 ANT/1 - photo album including photographs of John Anthony and his family, Edinburgh views and photos relating to World War One, including the Edinburgh University Officers Training Corps at Peebles in 1915 showing Cadets Brown, Purves, Mills, Anthony, Smith, Hatton and Wallinck; Anthony with the Royal Welch Fusiliers in Oswestry and Llangollen (Anthony, Evans, Edwards, Gavin, Richards and Mitford) and Capt J Anthony M.C. and Capt J.H. Dick M.C. on the Somme in 1916.
GB 235 ANT/2 - Transcripts of 'The Identification of British Trees, Shrubs and Under Shrubs by means of the Microscopic Structure of their Wood', including photographs - 2 copies, loose sheets.
GB 235 ANT/3 - Original Manuscript for Flora of Sutherland, c.1970 - comparison with the published version shows the extent of J.B. Kenworthy's editing, as described in his introduction (right click, open link in new tab):

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George Forrest Collection

  • GB 235 FRG
  • Collection
  • 1902 - ?

FRG/1 Correspondence
• 1: Box of Forrest correspondence, 1903-08 (to and from Clementina, I.B. Balfour, Bulley, Family), Forrest related correspondence, copies of his birth and marriage certificates, transcripts of his diary 1904-05, ‘Account of a Journey on the Upper Salwin, October to December 1905’, copy of the article ‘Land of the Crossbow, March 9th 1906’ from the National Geographic Magazine, (carbon copy, original version is in the red notebook under letter 3, filed in
the same box)
• 2: Box of Forrest correspondence, 1909-1911 – correspondence regarding his Yunnan expedition in 1910, and with I.B. Balfour and correspondence relating to Forrest.
• 3a: Box of Forrest correspondence with J.C. Williams 1911-1912, regarding his third expedition (February 1912-March 1915)
• 3b: Box of Forrest correspondence with J.C. Williams and I.B. Balfour, 1913-14 regarding his third expedition (February 1912- March 1915)
• 3c: Box of Forrest correspondence from 1915 regarding his third expedition (February 1912- March 1915)
• 4a: Box of Forrest correspondence from 1917-1920 regarding his fourth expedition (February 1917-March 1920)
• 4b: Box of Forrest correspondence, including I.B. Balfour and William Wright Smith, 1916-1920, regarding his fourth expedition (February 1917-March 1920)
• 5: Box of Forrest correspondence from June 1920-April 1923 regarding his fifth expedition (January 1921-March 1923)
• 6: Box of Forrest correspondence from 1922-28
• 7: Box of Forrest correspondence from 1929-1932, plus obituaries, etc.
FRG/2 Photographs
FRG/2/1 Prints:
• File of photographs marked ‘Forrest, Collectors, Human, etc.’
• File of photographs marked ‘Buildings, Temple, Graves, Towns, etc.’
• File of photographs marked ‘Mountain, Water, Bridge’
• File of photographs marked ‘Plants A-L’
• File of photographs marked ‘Plants M-Prim-’
• File of photographs marked ‘Plants Py-Z and misc.’
FRG/2/2 Glass Plate Negative Collection
FRG/3 Published work
• copy of the article ‘Land of the Crossbow’, from the National Geographic Magazine
FRG/4 Field Books
FRG/4/1 Unpublished Field Books:
• George Forrest’s field books – 27 original field books dating from 1904 to 1932
FRG/4/2 Published Field Books:
FRG/5 RBGE’s Notes relating to Forrest’s plants
• 16 folders in 15 boxes of RBGE’s plant collection notes arranged alphabetically by genus
• Three boxes of Rhododendron notes written and sent by Isaac Bayley Balfour and William Wright Smith c.1919,1921 and 1922 and Primula lists c.1914,1921 and 1922
FRG/6 Forrest’s lecture notes
• Box of lecture notes and lists of slides
• Box containing photo related lists, 1913-24 and lecture notes
FRG/7 Forrest’s collection of papers (unsorted at present)
FRG/8 maps
• Various maps of Forrest’s Botanical expeditions
• File containing maps from 1918-1922, some annotated and some hand drawn
FRG/9 - collection of work about Forrest by others, includes
• Box containing Cowan’s research from 1934 and information regarding Forrest Centenary in 1973
• Various articles referring to Forrest
• Various newspaper articles which mention George Forrest
FRG/10 RBGE Forrest ephemera – collection of objects used by / related to George Forrest
• Camera similar to one used by Forrest

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Garnsey, Rev. Henry Edward Fowler

  • GB 235 GHE
  • Collection
  • 1826 - 1903

•3 boxes of translations and correspondence between Rev. Henry Edward Fowler Garnsey and Isaac Bayley Balfour relating to Garnsey's translation of A.W. Eichler, including the m/s translation itself.

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Glasgow Botanic Garden

  • GB 235 GBG
  • Collection
  • 1817 - 1883

•Two boxes of papers, relating to Glasgow Botanic Garden covering the period 1817-83

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Ian C. Hedge Collection

  • GB 235 HIC
  • Collection
  • 1928 - 2007

•Box of correspondence compiled by Ian C. Hedge regarding Flora of West Pakistan – mainly B.L. Burtt and J. Lamond. 7 folders including: File no. SD3015 – Pakistan Botany, Letters from 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 and accounts and drawings not yet published in 1973-85. Correspondence includes E. Nasir, A. Ghafour, S. Abedin, S. Jafri, S.I. Ali, D. Austin, R. Ahmad, M. Qaiser. S.M.A Kazmi, M.H. Bokhari, S. Ahmad Khan
•Box correspondence regarding Flora Iranica – Umbelliferae, 1980-86. Correpsondence includes: K.H. Rechinger, A. Ala, R. Alava, A. Aryavand, V. Botschantzev, L. Constance, L. Engstrand, W. Frey, C. Heyn, V. Heywod, R. Hoffman, J. Leonard, M.G. Pimenov, D. Podlech, C. Townsend.
•Folder of digitised Afghan photographs and some negatives.
•Box of correspondence, including K.H Rechinger, P.Wendelbo, W.T. Stearn, E.E. Kemp, R.R. Stewart,etc. plus Afghanistan photography, donated 11th of February 2007
•Hedge's undergraduate dissertation: 'The History and Anatomy of Dryas octopetala (L.)'; May 1951
•Wooden box containing index cards from Hedge’s Archives
•Toy Corgi Landrover annoteted 'Afghanistan 1968' along with 3x Afghan coins and 1x Scottish golf token [Bells Whisky] (RBGEA2020/006) - the Landrover was such a key member of the Afghanistan expedition team, that in 1962 Ian named a plant after it: Scrophularia landroveri (there is a scan of the herbarium specimen included in the box) and Ian has kept a toy model of the vehicle ever since 1968 presumably, until he donated it to the RBGE Archives in September 2019. (right click to open in new tab or window- recommended)

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References relating to Joseph Dalton Hooker

  • GB 235 JDH
  • Collection
  • 1817 - 1911

•Printed Memoir of Dr. Thomas Charles Hope
•Extract from the Caledonian Mercury of 27th October 1845 article by J.D. Hooker (+ photocopy)
•Copy of extract from Linnaean Society of London, General Meeting, dated 21st December 1911
Hooker, Jos. D / J. Hutton Balfour
•Letters, dated 1842, 1876 & 1880 and copy letters dated 1855 -1880 from Jos. D Hooker, to J. Hutton Balfour, are filed with “J. Hutton Balfour” papers under “Hooker, Jos. D”.
Hooker, Jos. D / I. Bayley Balfour
•Copy letters between 31 July 1901 and 23 April 1902 from I.B.B. to J.D.H. , are filed with “I. Bayley Balfour” corres. under “Hooker, Jos. D”.
Hooker, Jos. D:
i. Letters to to Dr. Thos. Anderson 1860 – 1868 in 2 vols. filed under “Anderson, Dr. Thos” (110 letters) – Box 1
ii. Letters from W.J. Harvey (Dublin), dated 2 June 1860, to Hooker (? Jos. D. or ? W.J.), re;Nuttall’s Herbarium – item 182 in Box 2 of “Anderson, Dr. Thos” corres.
iii. Letter from A. Henry, dated 22 Oct 1861, to Hooker (? Jos. D. or ? W.J.), - item 115 in Box 2 of “Anderson, Dr. Thos” corres.
iv. Corres. With Sir Geo Watt filed with “Watt, Sir Geo” papers - Box.
v. 4 letters, dated 1871 – 1875 filed with “Henderson, Col. Frederick” papers –Box
vi. Letters between 1871 & 1880 to J.H. Balfour filed with “Balfour, J.H”, Supp. corres. “H”
vii. Letters, 1901 – 1903 from I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” under “Hooker, Jos. D.”- separate folder.
viii. Letters, dated 1886 & 1904 – 1909 to I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” under “Hooker, Jos. D.”- separate folder.
ix. Letter to Hooker, dated 1st of September 1902 from Richard T. Baker, (The Technological Museum, Sydney), re; copy of a work on Eucalypts presented to Director Kew, filed alphabetically in main index under “Baker, Richard T.”
x. Printed Botany Examination Papers (2), dated 9th August 1854 & 1858, set by J.D. Hooker, filed under “Hooker, Jos. D” in general index.
xi. Letters, dated 1880 – 1902 to I. Bayley Balfour filed with “Balfour, I. Bayley” under “Hooker, Jos. D.”- Separate folder.
xii. Letter to Dr. Jos. D. Hooker, dated 1st May 1862, “On the Fossil Plants Discovered by Dr. Lyall in Greenland” from by Oswald Heer (Zurich).- in Hooker, J.D. folder
• letter from Joseph D Hooker to Charles Ransford, May 29th 1846, found in cuttings collection, now in Hooker, J.D. folder (15/03/2016)

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Humphreys, Dr. G.N.

  • GB 235 HUM
  • Collection
  • 1932

•1 box containing papers relating to an expedition to East Africa, Ruwenzori Mountains, (1932); papers seem to be those generated by RBGE Herbarium as opposed to Humphreys himself.

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Photographs of trees and flowers by Henry Irving

  • GB 235 IRV
  • Collection
  • 1901 - 1909

•Folder containing photographs of trees, (1901), used in Percy [Groom’s] ‘Trees and their Life Histories’ (1907), found in the National Museum of Scotland. [accession 2005/08]
•Four small folders containing photos of plants and flowers, dated 1901 on the front but all dated on the back 24/11/1923 and stamped ‘The Royal Scottish Museum’ [already at RBGE by 2005]
•Four large folders containing photos of plants and flowers dated 1901 on the front but all dated on the back 24/11/1923 and stamped ‘The Royal Scottish Museum’ [already at RBGE by 2005]

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Léveillé, A.A. Hector

  • GB 235 LEV
  • Collection
  • 1863 - 1918

•10 folders of plant lists
•List of Léveillé / Leveille duplicates sent to Tokyo and Seoul
•Léveillé Plantae Novae Sandwicencis
•List of correct names for Léveilléan species described in the wrong family
•Léveillé lists
•Folder containing Douglas McKean’s correspondence and research relating to the re-organisation and identification of RBGE’s Léveillé herbarium.
•File containing a Dicots Index – working copy for counting Léveillé Taxa, Douglas McKean’s notebook on Léveillé Chinese and Indian localities, and Douglas McKean’s notes and correspondence relating to Léveillé’s Carex types.
•Correspondence with I.B. Balfour filed with “Balfour, I.Bayley” papers under “Léveillé, H.”

Sans titre

Résultats 1 à 10 sur 184