Affichage de 1380 résultats

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64 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Goodier, R (colour slides from the area of the Flora Zambesiaca)
Goodier, R (colour slides from the area of the Flora Zambesiaca)
letter dated 31 December from Farrer, Ingleborough, Yorkshire to Celia Noble
letter dated 31 December from Farrer, Ingleborough, Yorkshire to Celia Noble
Order of service for the funeral of Elizabeth Margaret Logan Farquharson (18 August 1915 – 24 May 2023), at Warriston Crematorium, Edinburgh, 8 June 2023
Order of service for the funeral of Elizabeth Margaret Logan Farquharson (18 August 1915 – 24 May 2023), at Warriston Crematorium, Edinburgh, 8 June 2023
The Weed Collectors, by Julia Parks
The Weed Collectors, by Julia Parks
Printout of email from Katharine Trotter, John MacWatt's grand-daughter to Scott Cook, RBGE
Printout of email from Katharine Trotter, John MacWatt's grand-daughter to Scott Cook, RBGE
Copy of painting of the view of the Edinburgh skyline from Inverleith House lawn, c.1912 by Isaac Bayley 'Bay' Balfour, I.B. Balfour's son.
Copy of painting of the view of the Edinburgh skyline from Inverleith House lawn, c.1912 by Isaac Bayley 'Bay' Balfour, I.B. Balfour's son.
Seller, Dr.
Seller, Dr.
Jörgensen/Jorgensen manuscript
Jörgensen/Jorgensen manuscript
Montrose, Duchess of
Montrose, Duchess of
Weale, James A.
Weale, James A.
Résultats 1 à 10 sur 1380